So you're saying you'll come over to the dark sideJust so you know, the Sitech PU rings themselves are flexible, but none of the systems that clip in (Waterproof Ultimas, Sitech Anteras, Rolock 90's) themselves are flexible (maybe you know that). My Ultimas are a little bit bulky. I don't really have any issue with them but sometimes I do look at them as think in a perfect world I'd prefer if they were smaller.
As far as I know only DUI zip seals and Santi whatever there new stuff is are flexible rings. The DUI zip seals look like a pain in the ass (to me), the Santi looks pretty cool but I believe the suit side ring is proprietary (at least I think).
I don't think you're cheap, just thrifty. Why pay 3x the cost of a suit that I'm eventually going to have to repair just like any other suit? No matter which suit any of us gets it WILL leak... I'm comfortable being "cheap" and fixing something that didn't break the bank in the 1st place.
If you're cheap I'm downright poor
Edit: Also, I always thought that socks would be the way to go, but now having ~ 90 dives in my used drysuit with boots attached, I think I'd prefer boots.
Thank you for posting that. I had forgotten about that Santi system. I really like that. Flexible rings seems cool. If I were getting a Santi suit, I would probably go with that.
However, Kubi does still have one big advantage (in MY mind) over all the others: Not only can you get rings that are the right size for YOU (I have L/XL hands and use 80mm rings), the width of them is narrower than any of the others. I.e. less of the length of your forearm is used up by the complete glove/ring assembly. I'm not sure how much true practical benefit that is in that, but I like it and I can't remember now exactly, but I have some vague memory of being with someone that had the Ultima setup and the width of it on their arm was annoying for some reason.