Sea Shepherd condemned by International Whaling Commission.

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I tought Steven was a tree hugger. Turns out he's a tree killer. SHAME ON YOU!!!!

poor trees have feelings too ya know. Do you use the less painfull method when you turn them into homes?
Wardric, are you one of those anti tree killing terrorists that would be rounded up and arrested in Kim's perfect world?
Guess what Kim I think the Japanese whalers are terrorists. I think the government of Japan, Iceland and Norway (including the whaling fleets) that allow this horrific action to go on are terrorists.

You must believe the American government are terrorists too then, since they allow some Americans to hunt whales, and are members of the IWC which sanctioned Japan's whaling. Hell, the chair of the IWC - Dr. William Hogarth - is American.

If the Japanese want to whale and destroy their waters to where not even a speck of cyanobacteria will grow there that's fine - have at it!

They don't and they won't.

Interesting to see your argument is NOTHING TO DO WITH SAVING MARINE LIFE and all to do with

Though when they think they can enter another country's waters - a whale sanctuary none the less and kill the animals there - literally robbing another country of their natural resource - that I have a problem with!

your misconception they are fishing in Australian waters. I thought you were all about saving the whales and you've explictly stated its nothing to do with that and it's all about the Japanese stealing another country's marine resources. Thanks for laying your cards on the table.

Shame nobody but Australia recognises the Aussie claim to the waters the Japanese are fishing in.
Kim, You're getting whackier with every post. Back away from the sake.

Back away from your ego, back away from your cultural indoctrination, back away from the PC and back away from condoning the Sea Shepherd - which I agree with Kim is getting very close to being an eco-terrorist organisation.
Back away from your ego, back away from your cultural indoctrination, back away from the PC and back away from condoning the Sea Shepherd - which I agree with Kim is getting very close to being an eco-terrorist organisation.

Ego? My ego has nothing to do with it. It's all about having the common sense to protect what's left of our wildlife.
Cultural indocrination? What do you mean? Are you saying that the rest of the world suffers from cultural indocrination and Japan is the only enlightened one?
Kim didn't say that they're getting close to being an eco terrorist organization, He said they are one.
Because he's too scared to go anywhere near countries that would charge him.
Why do you think he doesn't harass Icelandic or Norwegian ships anymore?

Japan has also announced that in future they will hold and prosecute. I wonder if we'll see a repeat of the guys they gave back this year again.....

Doubt it.
I have posted excepts from various pages but have also included the links below so you can verify that they were not taken out of context.

Well Iceland could have charged him, but they chose not to:

In January 1988, Captain Paul Watson flew to Iceland to accept responsibility for the sinking of the ships. The Icelandic government refused to lay charges because Iceland knew that a trial would expose their illegal operations.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - Whales SSCS History

And it has been stated on the Sea Sheperd site that if Iceland does try to resume whaling, the Farley Mowat will be sent to intercept the whalers.

Sea Shepherd’s ship, the Farley Mowat, will be in the North Atlantic opposing the Eastern Canadian seal slaughter in April.
“We will be only a week away from Iceland by the end of April,” said Captain Paul Watson, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd. “We would be in a good position to renew Operation Ragnarök if necessary and continue our voyage on to Iceland to confront their illegal whaling operations.”

Sea Shepherd - Sea Shepherd To Oppose Icelandic Whaling: Operation Ragnarök May Be Resurrected

They have even stated that they will allow Japan to kill a limited number of whales, al long as they are not endangered, and Japan doesn't call it "research".

The plans were drawn up at a meeting in February by the governments of Argentina and the Netherlands, but given support in-principle only last week in London at a closed door three-day meeting of the International Whaling Commission.
The plans call for the IWC to give Japan a legal commercial hunt in the North Pacific in waters close to Japan.
This would mean a legal kill of 150 Minke or what we call Piked whales.
In exchange the Japanese would abandon their so called “research” in the waters of the Southern Ocean.
Although the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is opposed to all whaling in principle, Sea Shepherd activities are directed against illegal operations. This means that Sea Shepherd would not send ships to oppose an IWC legally sanctioned whale hunt off of Japan.

Sea Shepherd - Keeping the Focus on the Southern Oceans and the Whales

FWIW, the IWC also condemmed Japan for whaling, which they really heeded...
"You must believe the American government are terrorists too then, since they allow some Americans to hunt whales, and are members of the IWC which sanctioned Japan's whaling."

The americans that hunt whales are Eskimos that use traditional methods-
Traditional Whaling
To compare that with the Japanese whalers is absolutely ridiculous.
Ego? My ego has nothing to do with it.

It has as much to do with this as Kim's posts have to do with sake.

Cultural indocrination? What do you mean?

I don't normally refer to blogs, but I can't be bothered to explain it to you and this sums up the way I feel quite eloquently

Meine Gedankenmuster: Cultural Indoctrination

Everyone of us is a part of the cultural fabric that weaves into the communal identity of our society. We may adore it, hate it, accept it, try hard to shake it but the fact remains that we are still a part of it, and more importantly, it is a part of us. It's not uncommon to come across people who criticize their culture, the society they live in, the dogma that has contributed to their intellectual evolution throughout their life. I am not trying to criticize these people. In fact, I have been a party to this quite so often. They (me included) often have a lot of sense in what they say, but hard as they may try, they can never really strive towards the utopian values and break the socio-cultural prejudices that they grown up with so long.


It is amazing how intense cultural indoctrination can be. No matter how hard you try, it will still be a part of you, the good and the bad. It is the your zone of stability, the corner stone of your sobriety when everything else around you is changing, forcing you to adapt. This has been my personal experience.

I am saying you are culturally indoctrinated, through your education (assuming you had one) in America, through the people you talk to, through the TV shows you watch and through the daily life you lead.

Every one of us is the same in this way, we are all a product of the culture we grew up and live in.

If you stepped outside of your comfort zone, critically examined your views then I believe you wouldn't be able to justify your position morally or intellectually.
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