Sea Shepherd condemned by International Whaling Commission.

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"(you DO realize that every post any of us makes can be tracked to source, right?)"

What's your point with that statement?
"(you DO realise that every post any of us makes can be tracked to source, right?)"

What's your point with that statement?
That when Sea Shepherd finally crosses the line to become a recognised terrorist organization....which it probably will the moment it's actions cause a enforcement agencies will backtrack to find the causes...the leaders...the supporters...the guilty.

But you bought the T-shirt right? I suppose a bit of martyrdom might not bother you.
"We don't give a damn what you or anybody else on this planet thinks. We didn't sink those ships for you. We did it for the whales."

yeah, I'm sure the whales appreciated all the oil spills that those sinking caused :shakehead:
Thanks for bringing this issue to the public. Your misguided views are helping Sea Shepherd gain support every time you bump this thread.
Thanks again!

Boy, you're not kidding. As a US midwesterner, I never gave much thought to a career as a whaler but I'm starting to think that I might enjoy it.
"That when Sea Shepherd finally crosses the line to become a recognised terrorist organization....which it probably will the moment it's actions cause a enforcement agencies will backtrack to find the causes...the leaders...the supporters...the guilty.
But you bought the T-shirt right? I suppose a bit of martyrdom might not bother you."

Only in your Orwellian utopia.
Thanks for bringing this issue to the public. Your misguided views are helping Sea Shepherd gain support every time you bump this thread.
Thanks again!


It's just a matter of time before that egomaniac causes someone's death.
Do you actually believe KIM for one SECOND that people who donate to a NOT FOR PROFIT organization will be held as contributers to terrorist!!! GEEEZ!!! An educator from down state referred to MD's teacher's union as a terrorist organization because some teachers in the country where I live threatened a strike since they were getting below their union contract pay. I guess every teacher who was in that union should be shipped to U.S. prisons in Cuba since ONE person uttered the word terrorist in the same sentence as the union's name. GET REAL!!

To come on this thread and start literally making threats to people is uncalled for!! Beleive it or not Kim Sea Shepard donations are tax deductible the same as the donations I make to the World Wildlife Federations, the Sierra Club and Save the Manatees. To try to run around dubya style and start calling Sea Shepard terrorists is nuts.

Guess what Kim I think the Japanese whalers are terrorists. I think the government of Japan, Iceland and Norway (including the whaling fleets) that allow this horrific action to go on are terrorists. I think the Japanese Coast Guard are terrorists since they shot someone in the chest with out due cause. Does that mean the U.S. miltary and CIA are running shadow ops and poising the country for strike. Your entitled to your opinion of who is a terrorist and I am entitled to mine, it doesn't mean my government or yours is going to enforce that opinion.

Earlier in this thread you accused me of having a racial bias towards the Japanese people. You went on to say that your wife (whom is Japanese) has no desire to join scuba board because of this racial bias. I have many friends whom are Japanese (most exchange-students from Japan who attended the same college as I) and they are all the most honest, honorable, and personable people anyone could want to meet. Furthermore I have many friends who are U.S. immigrants directly from Japan. Again they are some of kindest and most unique people I know, literally the salt of the Earth. I have not directed any of my comments towards the citizens of Japan or the Japanese people of my country.

What I do have a problem with are the actions of Japanese whaling companies and the Japanese government who condones and allows this action to continue. If the Japanese want to whale and destroy their waters to where not even a speck of cyanobacteria will grow there that's fine - have at it! Though when they think they can enter another country's waters - a whale sanctuary none the less and kill the animals there - literally robbing another country of their natural resource - that I have a problem with! The Japanese put the icing on the cake when they went on to call the slaughter of whales "scientific research." They must have been researching, scientifically, how whale meat tastes when cooked medium, rare, or well done. Hmmm, entering international waters, using your economic status as an Asian powerhouse to incite fear, and stealing a natural resource out from under the Australian people - that sounds much more like terrorist activity to me then throwing stink bombs.

During the course of this thread Kim you have told me to grow up and called those who disagree with you both terrorists and pirates saying that we deserve the same punishment (for donating to a non-profit conservation society) as terrorists. That would be Kim imprisonment without charges or bail in an overseas prison, likely torture and perhaps death. Sounds real fair for buying a t-shirt doesn't it!
What if the whales are actually alien spies and the Japanese know this but are keeping it secret and are really just protecting us from world domination?
During the course of this thread Kim you have told me to grow up and called those who disagree with you both terrorists and pirates saying that we deserve the same punishment (for donating to a non-profit conservation society) as terrorists. That would be Kim imprisonment without charges or bail in an overseas prison, likely torture and perhaps death. Sounds real fair for buying a t-shirt doesn't it!
Yes I did......after you made a few personal attacks worthy of a school playground - people were according to you "stupid" with their "heads in their rear ends".

As for donating to non-profit organizations - is Al Qaeda for profit?

I'm not threatening you - just pointing out that where you live even John Lennon had a pretty big FBI file. If Sea Shepherd gets someone killed it'll be because people who donated money made it possible.
Sorry if you can't handle the reality.
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