Sea Shepherd condemned by International Whaling Commission.

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Someone will have to press charges first. AFAIK, no one has done that yet, except Japan
regarding the dolphin slaughter, in which several members were jailed for cutting nets and
releasing 15 dolphins. You see, the same way Japan and other countries get away with
breaking the law by finding loopholes, is the same way Capt. Watson gets away with his actions.
Like it or not, it's the way it is and the way it always will be - until the killing stops.
Someone will have to press charges first. AFAIK, no one has done that yet, except Japan
regarding the dolphin slaughter, in which several members were jailed for cutting nets and
releasing 15 dolphins. You see, the same way Japan and other countries get away with
breaking the law by finding loopholes, is the same way Capt. Watson gets away with his actions.
Like it or not, it's the way it is and the way it always will be - until the killing stops.

Believe me, there wont be whales to hunt soon enough because of all the toxic pollutants we release in the marine environement. I decided to work on that aspect which is much more a danger to whales than a few hunted ones.

For now, Mink whales are sustainable but if we focus on whalers and fail to see the real killers (like pcb), it's useless and my children's children wont be able to do whale watching as i've done many time.
and they wont be able to dive with them...

black spot is a whale

As for you Kim you seem to have some sort of connection to whaling considering the way you go after people who are against it and support sea shepard. Why do you think it is alright for the Japanese people to mislead the world and say they are doing, "whale research" when what they are really doing is killing whales in other countries waters to eat.
I have no connection to whaling whatsoever. I don't eat it either. I'd be quite happy if everyone stopped whaling.....but then I'd be quite happy if the US used a lot less oil too - however people have the right to choose how they live their lives and often make choices that I disagree with. That's life.

I believe Paul Watson to be a terrorist, and hypocrite. People who support him I think are at best miguided, at worst, fellow supporters of terrorism and violence.

I don't particularly like the way the Japanese use the rules, but I've seen plenty of others use rules in precisly the same way to do or get something they want. How else would the term "legal loophole" otherwise exist?

I find it very telling that whenever this topic comes up the target is only Japan. I can only conclude that some Westerners practice a certain kind of selective racism that allows them to say what they want about an Asian country, but makes them far more inhibited when it comes to a fellow Westerner, like Iceland or Norway.

The only real effect those attitudes have do nothing to save whales. They just ensure that Japanese people, like my wife, are really not interested in joining SB. I don't blame them.
Well just so you know Kim I have no racial biased towards the Japanese people and don't endorse whaling when it's done by Iceland or Norway. I have some very good friends from Norway who are strong supporters of whaling. They site cultural heritage and other sources as reasons to why they support what I, as I have stated, feel is a disgusting tradition. We have had arguments that got extremely heated and at times out of hand over whaling and in order to save our friendship it's a topic that doesn't come up anymore.

I condemn Norway and Iceland as much as I do Japan and honestly I see where everyone on this thread is coming from. We can all agree on one thing I believe, none of us like whaling and none of us are fans of oceanic pollution. Really instead of arguing about whether or not Sea Shepards methods are right or wrong we should talk about how each one of us can take steps toward leading a more eco-friendly life style.

I like you wish my country would use less oil. I make steps as a U.S. citizen to monitor not just my oil consumption but my entire carbon footprint. I too wish our military was not using deep penetration sonar that can damage or even kill whales and dolphins. President Bush has allowed this practice off California's coast - for years it was illegal for the Navy to use it. I have signed petitions and everything trying to see that decision be repealed.
......we should talk about how each one of us can take steps toward leading a more eco-friendly life style.
I spent $50,000 last year on solar panels. Now we produce most of our own power. Re-cycling here is absolutely compulsory as well. Everyone has to pay for whatever they dispose of. You can't just throw an old refrigerator away for instance. Rubbish has to be separated - glass/plastic/metal/etc.

My wife is the town's environmental officer. :wink: (which means we have to personally set a good example on top of the rules! :eyebrow:)
It is about sustainability of the resource! If you can take them without damaging the health of the Pod them I don't see the problem? But PETA and other wackos rule supreme in these organizations of people hating folks! So yes they can be terrorist if they take the law of the sea into their own hands! I would never use a whale product, but in a free society that is their choice, if it does not harm the over all health! Education is better than confrontation of people doing legal activities trying to make a living!
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