Re: duro 70/75 vs. 90.... I too like to use duro 90 in most application where there is large pressure differential. Like Matt said, hp o-ring, hp plug, yoke retainer, tank valve, etc. To keep things simple, I install them almost every place they fit. One problem area I found is the second stage orifice, so a soft -010 or a slightly thinner o-ring goes there. However, I don't get my knickers in a twist about installing a 90 duro it if I can be easily accessed (like an hp plug) because the problem will be easy to spot and easily remedied. But if there is a place like the piston stem that is not so easily dealt with, then I'll go out of my way to make sure I have a high durometer o-ring installed there. I use the same philosophy for quality, I know that aviation grade o-rings cost a little more, but because they go through a higher quality control process, I tend to have more confidence in them. Basically, used and "source unknown" o-rings only get put on port plugs....and sometimes on my water softener. 
