Scubapro Galileo HUD

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Scubapro Galileo HUD
Has anyone looked at the accuracy?
For example, the compass.
Is it accurate compared to an analog compass?
Scubapro Galileo HUD
Has anyone looked at the accuracy?
For example, the compass.
Is it accurate compared to an analog compass?

@lexvil Your experience is required here :)
I find it more accurate than an analog or at least more precise but it has some quirks like shifting when viewed in normal diving position as opposed to standing straight up, keep this in mind after calibrating and use the declination to zero it in the diving position.
I find it more accurate than an analog or at least more precise but it has some quirks like shifting when viewed in normal diving position as opposed to standing straight up, keep this in mind after calibrating and use the declination to zero it in the diving position.
Hey Lexvil!

Thanks for sharing your experience with me!
I've noticed with 3 HUDs that they tend to display other compass directions when looking down vs nooking straight forward.
Is this something you are experiencing too?
Also have you compared different headings with the heading displayed on the HUD's compass?
For example when I aim an analog compass to, let's say heading 0°, the HUD's compass displays let's say, 340°.
When you aim the analog compass at heading 220°, the HUD compass displays 200°.
There was no magnetic interference at that point, and the deviation is not a default 20°.
The results remain the same after multiple calibration attempts.Is this something you have checked too?

Im really eager to know your experiences
I use the declination to “tune” the reading before the dive, use you “trusted” compass the calibrate the HUD. Bring the old one along too and check them against each throughout the dive, come back and let us know how it’s works for you.
I personally have found the Scubapro G2 and HUD compasses to be horribly inaccurate. The G2 does not have a compass calibration option, the HUD does...but in my experience it does not seem to help in correcting compass base accuracy in relation to magnetic north. I have had a G2 Console computer returned to Scubapro because of this issue. The replacement was no better.

I just went outside and a magnetic compass direction of 10 degrees is shown on the HUD as 340. The process outlined by @lexvil of using declination on the HUD to match your magnetic compass is a way of correcting the poor post calibration heading. That is not what declination is meant to do, it is meant to correct magnetic north to true north, but here we are using it to adjust a compass that is unable to get close to the correct magnetic heading after calibration.

If I need to do any serious navigation following specific directions, I will only use a magnetic compass. My personal favorite is the Suunto SK-7 or SK-8. I only use a dive computer compass for general directional navigation in relation cardinal headings or if I am doing an out and back and the displayed versus true heading is not important.
Underwater navigation is not very precise, any compass underwater is little more than a general direction thing anyway, magnetic compass has no declination which is fine because underwater you aren’t working off of precise charts. True heading really isn’t important which is why I use the declination to match up the HUD with my back up, the nice thing about the HUD is it’s right there all of the time making it easier to keep on the general heading.
In general this is very true. If everything is in relation to the heading shown, then you should be fine with out and backs, square navigation, etc. Where the SCUBAPRO computer compass error can have a great affect is if you are provided directions…follow a heading of 158 degrees for 180 feet. If your compass is actually taking you on a heading of 110, you won’t find what you were wanting to see. I have seen this happen in the Keys.

The technique of using the declination adjustment on the HUD to match the magnetic compass should take care of this issue and is a great recommendation.
I personally have found the Scubapro G2 and HUD compasses to be horribly inaccurate. The G2 does not have a compass calibration option, the HUD does...but in my experience it does not seem to help in correcting compass base accuracy in relation to magnetic north. I have had a G2 Console computer returned to Scubapro because of this issue. The replacement was no better.

I just went outside and a magnetic compass direction of 10 degrees is shown on the HUD as 340. The process outlined by @lexvil of using declination on the HUD to match your magnetic compass is a way of correcting the poor post calibration heading. That is not what declination is meant to do, it is meant to correct magnetic north to true north, but here we are using it to adjust a compass that is unable to get close to the correct magnetic heading after calibration.

If I need to do any serious navigation following specific directions, I will only use a magnetic compass. My personal favorite is the Suunto SK-7 or SK-8. I only use a dive computer compass for general directional navigation in relation cardinal headings or if I am doing an out and back and the displayed versus true heading is not important.

Did you report your findings to Scubapro people?
Thanks for the insights and tips guys.
I will really give this declination thing a try.
Just curious, if you do the declination to correct the HUD's compass to a magnetic compass, you set declination value to the difference between both?
To follow Sevenriders example:
Magnetic compass: 10°
HUD compass (before declination setting): 340°
Declination: +30° ? or what is this value you'd set this to?

At the moment the previous 2 HUD's I had were returned to SP, will test this out soonish.

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