That's not entirely correct. If you place the 200bar and 300bar adaptors side by side, you will see that in the 300 bar one the end part, carrying the O-ring, is approximately 2mm longer, so the threaded part starts at greater distance form the O-ring.
View attachment 557225 200bar left, 300bar right
When fitting a 200bar DIN valve, a 300bar adaptor will screw on for 2 complete turns, instead a 200bar one screws for 5 complete turns.
According to DIN standard this is accepted and is still fully safe. But it is not "equally safe", it simply means that, being the pressure just 200 bar, those 2 turns threads are enough. But of course 5 turns is better!
Those are not SP DIN fittings, in fact they look more like fill whip ends to me. If you compare the actual SP 300 bar and 200 bar fittings, you'll see what I mean. The 300 bar fittings have more threads.