Follow up... the boat that just sank on it's way to Bimini was captained by the same individual as the Get Wet incident. However, reports are that he did not make any distress calls to the Coast Guard due to not having a working radio on board. A passing freighter just happened to see the boat go down in 3,000 ft of water and pulled him to safety. The boat was loaded with electronics, dive gear and ??? Now the local speculation revolves around a few possible scenarios: Bad luck, insurance fraud, destroying evidence or revenge. Me? I don't know, but I would like to believe the first one. It is my understanding in talking with the Coast Guard that charges in the first incident are pending and immanent. There is a lot more scuttlebutt that I simply refuse to post as it has been unverified by more than one source.
We now take you back to our regularly scheduled program: "As the Keys turn..."