I wonder if it was the tanks that set them over the edge and then they just gave the whole thing a thumbs down? I'll be curious to hear from others that are flying with a more standard rec setup. I'm also curious if this extends to all Mexican TSA/airports as well since I have to fly into Cabo to get to Socorro later this year.
I did kind of raise an eyebrow when I was booking my trip and the Nautilus Belle Amie had this blurb on their FAQ:
Customs & Cameras
Unfortunately, we have received recent reports of isolated incidents where guests have been charged taxes for bringing their camera housings into Mexico. This is a transgression of your rights as an international passenger and a violation of both Mexican and international law. The company is investigating this, and in the meantime, we would like to provide you with this information to help improve your experience at Mexican customs.
As an international passenger, you are entitled to bring without paying taxes, two cameras or video recording devices, and their accessories. An underwater housing unit is a camera accessory which fits your camera and allows control and usage of the device while diving. As the housing can only be functional when used with your camera, it should be considered a part of your “two cameras with their accessories” luggage allowance.
For more information, please see our Customs & Cameras page in your pre-trip information package or
through our link here.