Scuba diving dream for MD patient on a ventilator

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Matt, I just saw your website and signed your guestbook - great job! While I cannot provide any technical support, rest assured that you have my full moral support. You are doing something that many people in perfect health will only dream of, and paving the way for others in the process. Keep up the great work and positive atitude and you will succeed in your dream in no time! Best of success and keep us posted.
Hey Matt Baby!

It was good to hear from you. I know that you've amazed your doctors by living twice as long as they expected, and I'm still hoping you'll get this done before you overstay your welcome here on earth. Has your family talked to anyone about the book & movie rights on this? I'd have a hard time believing it as a true story if I hadn't had the joy of knowing you here. But there's a lot of SB people pulling for you here, and I want to share something from you PM:

I don't know if I said already, but you scuba divers are awesome people.
Yes, divers are - but we're better today for knowing you.

Awsome web site, dude! You do that and all the other communicating you do while able to move your thumbs only. I
just think I get a lot done. Here is the url address Scuba Jenny was referencing, to get people straight to this thread:

How about chaning the SB reference to just "Click here:" And like she said, if you could change to black print and larger font, some of us old farts could read it all easier.

You stay in touch, here, and let us know. As impressive a man as you are, I gotta' know when the dive is, so I can be there. I've met very few really great people in my life, and I got to meet you; diving with you would be even better!!

I admire your courage in pursuit your dream - scuba diving.

Jacques Cousteau once said:

"Sometimes we are lucky enough that our lifes have changed, to discard the old, embrace the new and run headlong an immutable course. It happened to me ... on that summer´s day when my eyes were opened to the sea"

Your life also changed because you are thinking in a way to realize your dream. Don´t give up and some day you will be stunned by the beauty of the underwater world.

Best of luck :thumb:
Hi Matt,
and thank you for sharing your dream with me. I am very sorry to hear you are so ill but won't offer sympathy as I know that is not what you want.
I too was given six months to live around sixteen years ago and I'm still here. I also know what blood gas tests are like and agree if you can survive them you can take on the world. I have a dease called sarcodosis, That is probably spelt wrong and my wife is out so I can't ask her if it's right or not. It is a dease that attacks the heart, lungs, liver and bones and has me in hospital for days to weeks at a time and has somewhat changed the way I live.
Diving is something I dont do much of at all anymore, mainly because of an incedent when I was diving off a place called Lancelin a little north of Perth and the tanks caused so much pressure on my lungs that had it not been for a quick thinking, very strong swimmer I would have drowned.
It wasn't the drowning that put me off as I have been close to death a few times with this desease and each experience was, shall I say peaceful. Once I had gone past the period of gasping for air that wasn't there, that is.
But I love to read what others are doing and the hopes and dreams that everyone has.
It's a wonderful place down under the water. There is something so unrealistic about it, because there is nothing on earth to compare it with. I do hope you make your dive, even if it is only for a short while as I am sure it will be one of the most wonderful things you have ever done in your life.
I remember when I first started with a mask and snorkel and went spear fishing with a friend and every time I got one I would come up and start yelling and carrying on and he thought I must have been attacked by a shrk or somethiong, until he got to know my diving habits a little better. lol
The one problem I had, was that I nver wanted to come out and it didn't matter how cold I got I would just keep swimming and looking at the wonderful colours and fish, the scenery is unreal.
Good on you Matt, keep hold of your dream and make it happen. It will be worth every minute and it will bring you so much pleasure and joy.
I'm glad you lke my signiture as I am a great believer in taking care of the skin and hair and most divers don't really know how harsh the elelments are on us. I visit people's homes and my prices are really affordable and at the moment I am doing shampoos and deep hair conditioning treatments free as an introductory offer.
As I am on a pension and unable to work full time, this is an ideal way for me to keep working and meeting other people.
When are you hoping to dive. Please let me know and if you wish to keep in contact, it will be really great to hear how you are and what you are doing. :dazzler1:
First of all I have to say "WOW what a heart warming thread".

Matt, I think everyone needs someone to admire. I admire you buddy!! Every time that I go for a dive I will now dedicate it to you. Even if it is only that way, you will have gone SCUBA diving. I have faith that you will somehow get to go for a dive.

I don't know that I would say that money is going to be a problem. I bet we could get a good chunk of money from all those on SB to help out. I understand that time may not be on our side but there are many ways to get things done.

My girlfriend and I go to Kentucky every year to a special event. It is called the Adam Matthews Balloon Festival. That would be balloon as in hot air balloon. The reason that I bring this event up is that all the moneys raised is given to organizations like Make A Wish. I don't know if they could help out any but it is worth a shot.

If I can help make your dream come true let me know.
First of all I have to say "WOW what a heart warming thread".

Matt, I think everyone needs someone to admire. I admire you buddy!! Every time that I go for a dive I will now dedicate it to you. Even if it is only that way, you will have gone SCUBA diving. I have faith that you will somehow get to go for a dive.

You may notice that Matt has a new badge by his Username. I asked him once if he'd like to help greet new Intros, and he got so carried away going thru the pages we had to ask him to slow down to just the current pages. :D What a guy.

Anyway, we offered him a place on the Team, and he accepted. And he's still staying busy greeting SB-Newbies on Intros. :shades:

Matt shared a marvelous email with me, and he said I could post it here for others to enjoy.

This sounds super...! :jump3:

Hello Matt,

I was recently forwarded your correspondence from Dr. Grilli. I have reviewed your website, and followed up with some medical literature (which you are likely more familiar with at this point) relating to your going diving.

Let me take a moment and offer some background on myself and some of the technology development that I am involved in...

My background is initially as a marine biologist, however have an extensive exploration diving background (including diving in Antarctica, marine caves, and very deep, sub300feet), and have been intricately involved in supporting such programs for NOAA and several research institutes. I recently started a non-profit organization called 'Project Innerspace' ( Our very broad based mission is to address critical issues in human health through ocean exploration. In meeting this mission, our organization is involved in activites such as drug discovery from marine resources, new technology development to make exploration more efficient, and educating the public about such activities. Just recently, I collaborated with a brilliant young engineer at the Massachusetts Instutute for Technology to develop a new computer controlled rebreather system. My very strong interests in devleoping advanced life support systems have led to a new and building relationship with the Univ of Rhode Island, where last semester, I introduced a 'theory of advanced diving technology' course to their engineering program. I anticipate an R & D component of this to develop for next year. That being said, your request has certainly caught my attention, both from a technology point of view, as well as a from a physiological perspective...not to menton that addressing items such as this directly correlate with our non-profits mission.

I believe your project has tremendous value for the evolution of diving technologies as well. There hasnt been anything too 'new' in decades, and evolving such a technology in a university setting, with young, enthusiastic, and creative minds will realize its I do admire your drive to find a fit, and believe you have pursued the appropriate path.

I am having a meeting with the engineering faculty in just a few weeks to discuss my course, and potentially taking on your project. In the meantime, please feel free to forward me any materials that might prove helpful.

look forward to hearing from you

Michael R. Lombardi
Project Innerspace
:happywave Here's an article that my friend Susan Long wrote to be published in Dive Chronicles magazine. The article is in issue 5 for 2004. Please visit this page of my web site to see the article. Once you link there click on this: Divers are the Luckiest People in the World an article by Susan Long highlighting Matt's dream.
I was also interviewed by my local newspaper today, still waiting on that to be published. I keep getting pushed back. Still working hard on my dream! Take care all.

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Hello everyone, :partytime

I just wanted to share the latest news regarding my quest to join
you all in the water someday.

Regards to all and Thanks for your friendships


Hello Matt,

I have just returned from my meeting with the engineering folks. It
was more or less what I expected...some good, some just ok. I want to
be brutally honest with you during every phase of this because it is a
complicated project, and many obstacles are to be expected.

Anyway, they are certainly interested in the project, as am I, both
independently and as part of my relationship with them. THe outcome of the
meeting was that we are all interested, and in not being exactly sure
what direction to take to kick such a project off, initially what we
are going to do is include the concept of your going diving into my next
course. This actual class will begin in 2006...this
sounds like far away, but when planning anything, a year goes by very
quickly. My class will focus on life support engineering for ocean
exploration and will include several student projects, one will be
yours, and the intent at this early stage would be to present the
challenge to my students, and have them as a class conceptualize
developing a device, and possible working on some engineering
schematics....that is step 1.

To fulfill your dream entirely, alot will need to come
together...creative thinking/conceptualization, engineering design,
funding, prototyping, testing, more funding, test dive in a pool, then
possibly a real dive in the ocean. This entire process will likely take
several years, and as the concept develops hurdles such as liability
insurance will arise, amongst at this point, I can't make
any promises that URI and myself can take your dream the distance...but
we are certainly going to try to get things moving for you and use some
of the best student engineering minds in the country, along with my
expertise and that of the URI faculty to develop the concept, and
hopefully attract the partnerships that will be needed to continue

I will plan to call you next week sometime to chat and get to know you
a bit better. I hope at some point we can meet face to face and talk
about diving, and more importantly about you, your drive to explore (which is
what I sense most and admire), and about the medical complications we
will need to address when considering designing a life support system
for you.

anyway, just keep doing what you're doing, and please do pass on any of
the more promising correspondence you've had with folks that can help,
or will, info on muscular dystrophy, possible foundations
that might contribute to R & D, etc etc....I'll be doing my homework
over the next year, but want to avoid duplicating efforts as much as

hope this finds you well
safe diving

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Hi Matt,

I was wondering how many of the respiratory/technical/medical experts might be interested in joining together for a conference call to discuss ways in which we can make this dive happen. I would be willing to participate if a call seems appropriate.

Again, best wishes,

My company subscribes to a conference call service. Everyone dails an 800 number and enters a code. It allows lots of people to talk with perfect clarity. I'd be happy to sponsor the call. Just set up a time and I can arrange it. PM me if anyone is interested. I'd do more but I have no real expertise in this arena.

Matt, I couldn't admire your dreams and goals more. I'm praying for ya.

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