Scuabamau diving accident

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I always do Devil's Throat at the BEGINNING of a dive. I get the exit at 125' or so.
Para toda la gente que me escribe y me apoya o me llama quiero que sepan que gracias a todo eso estoy poniendo todo de mi parte y ganas. Para que sepan todos yo no soy muy bueno con la computadora :p pero que gracias a dios tengo a jennifer pobiak y denise paz ayudandome con los donativos que la gente me envia y estan todo el tiempo en contacto conmigo aqui en el hospital les pido por favor a la gente que me quiera ayudar que lo pueden hacer con toda la confianza del mundo ya que ellas me mantienen al tanto con todos los donativos que se recauda y aqui les mando otra foto con mi familia y les doy muchas gracias y que dios les bendiga y les de mucha salud, amor y mi familia y su servidor les mandamos muchas bendiciones desde la isla de cozumel.


Jennifer pobiak. E-mail=
numero de celular = 9871134018

denise paz. E-mail =
numero de celular = 9871016230

[-]Google translation[/-] Nope, never mind. See annlaur's translation below...

Hang in there, Gabi and best wishes...!!
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Good to hear from you Gabi, although I will wait for less literal, less internet translator translation.

Nothing personal Don, but those online translators sure come up with some creative translations! I know, from trying to decipher some Dutch in Bonaire tax and legal notices. :shakehead: They get you in the ballpark, but often at the wrong ball game.
Para toda la gente que me escribe y me apoya o me llama quiero que sepan que gracias a todo eso estoy poniendo todo de mi parte y ganas. Para que sepan todos yo no soy muy bueno con la computadora :p pero que gracias a dios tengo a jennifer pobiak y denise paz ayudandome con los donativos que la gente me envia y estan todo el tiempo en contacto conmigo aqui en el hospital les pido por favor a la gente que me quiera ayudar que lo pueden hacer con toda la confianza del mundo ya que ellas me mantienen al tanto con todos los donativos que se recauda y aqui les mando otra foto con mi familia y les doy muchas gracias y que dios les bendiga y les de mucha salud, amor y mi familia y su servidor les mandamos muchas bendiciones desde la isla de cozumel.


Jennifer pobiak. E-mail=
numero de celular = 9871134018

denise paz. E-mail =
numero de celular = 9871016230

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"To all the people who write, support or call me, I want you to know that thanks to all of you I'm doing my best and am very motivated. You all need to know that I'm not very good at using a computer :p But thank God I have Jennifer Pobiak and Denise Paz helping me with the donations that people are sending and they are always in contact with me here at the hospital. The people who want to help me can trust them, they keep me updated regarding the donations that have been collected. Here is another family picture. Thank you again and may God bless you and bring you health and love. My family and I send you all our blessings from the island of Cozumel.

Jennifer pobiak. E-mail=
cell = 9871134018

denise paz. E-mail =
cell = 9871016230"

View attachment 103620
Nothing personal Don, but those online translators sure come up with some creative translations! I know, from trying to decipher some Dutch in Bonaire tax and legal notices. :shakehead: They get you in the ballpark, but often at the wrong ball game.
Removed with reference to annlaur's better translation.
The latest news from Opal's mom. Some much needed positive news at that!!!...te-click-here-for-full-text/10150294957218167

After the past three days, I cannot express how good it feels to post something positive. Yesterday morning when I walked into Opal's room I must confess, I expected to find her bed empty and the nurses and staff giving me the sympathic looks and platitudes, however, Opal was still there. Her blood pressure and heart rate were stable and the bleeding had slowed way down. She had about twelve different IV's running into her and it was just plain scary. When the dr. came in I was expecting to have to have "the talk", instead, he told me what a fighter she was and they were taking her down to xray for a special procedure to see if they could find the source of the bleeding. This was a surprise seeing how they wanted to xray her lungs and didn't because she was sooooo unstable they couldn't move her. Anyways, she went thru tests all day long trying to pinpoint the bleed and they couldn't find anything. She received three liters of blood during this episode along with two units of platelets. The drs are amazed and have no explanation for this episode.

This morning when I walked into her room, her blood pressure and heart rate was stable and she only had four IVs going. One for potassium, one for halting the acid production in her stomach and one to regulate her sugar levels and one that is just fluid. They had removed the nose feeding tube and are feeding her intravenously. She is opening her eyes and fighting to focus again. (she was on some pretty heavy meds for two days) They have started adjusting the ventilator in order to get her off of it and put a trach in next week. They are starting physical therapy. Although she is still paralyzed from the neck down, the drs are really pulling for her and are in it to win. Alls it took were those two days of her blinking and smiling and she showed those drs what we all knew already. In those two days she showed them what a special person she is and how much she is so worth keeping in this world.
She isn't out of the woods yet. There are probably still a few scary days ahead of us, but, my God, she is such a fighter! Keep up the positive thoughts and prayers, they are working. Thanks to all of you for pulling for her. She is fighting!!!
Thanks for the excellent update. I'm thinking that the doctors are looking at a "personal best" here. Imagine how good they'll feel when she's ready to release from the hospital.
Para toda la gente que me escribe y me apoya o me llama quiero que sepan que gracias a todo eso estoy poniendo todo de mi parte y ganas. Para que sepan todos yo no soy muy bueno con la computadora :p pero que gracias a dios tengo a jennifer pobiak y denise paz ayudandome con los donativos que la gente me envia y estan todo el tiempo en contacto conmigo aqui en el hospital les pido por favor a la gente que me quiera ayudar que lo pueden hacer con toda la confianza del mundo ya que ellas me mantienen al tanto con todos los donativos que se recauda y aqui les mando otra foto con mi familia y les doy muchas gracias y que dios les bendiga y les de mucha salud, amor y mi familia y su servidor les mandamos muchas bendiciones desde la isla de cozumel.


Jennifer pobiak. E-mail=
numero de celular = 9871134018

denise paz. E-mail =
numero de celular = 9871016230

View attachment 103620View attachment 103621

Hey Gaby,
Great to see you and your family my friend. You will beat this! I am hoping to get back to Cozumel soon and look forward to visiting with you.

Stay strong and be well!

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