SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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I haven't gotten called by Brenda... Or will the boat that we signed up for call us?

we did sign up for CRD on Sunday...

You did get our res form right Capt Gary?
Here is the situation:
My 18 y/o son and I are fairly “new” divers. We did our first ocean dives with Quiescence in February, and are scheduled to get AOW certified with SFDH in FLL in April. We would REALLY like to join y’all for this trip in July, but wanted to put out feelers before we reserve seats to make sure that others who are going would not feel like we would be a hindrance or problem, or be taking seats away from more experienced divers. We are not looking for anyone to babysit us, but view this as a great opportunity to meet the people on the Board, and enhance our skills by learning from divers far more experienced than us. We would like to do the Grove and/or some other wrecks, but then mix in some reefs for my snorkeler/BW wife. What do y’all think? Will the trip and the participants be “open” to some eager newbs? Worse comes to worse, we just book reefs.
Thanks for your input

Absolutely you should both come Tom!!! You don't have to do the more advanced dives to enjoy some really great diving in the Keys. The reefs are pretty much all shallow. The City of Washington & Christ of the Abyss are shallow. Conch Wall starts around 50 & goes to 110 but you can stay between 50-70. In other words- COME!!! You will both have a great time! After you sign up, Brenda from Conch Republic will give you a call & go over your dive itinerary with you & just confirm everything. Or, you can give her a call- she's an awesome lady!
I haven't gotten called by Brenda... Or will the boat that we signed up for call us?

we did sign up for CRD on Sunday...

You did get our res form right Capt Gary?

Brenda calls the ones who were getting lodging first, but will be calling others soon.

Howard got your response and since we already have a cc on file for you we figured you were set.

Good Diving,
Here is the situation:
My 18 y/o son and I are fairly “new” divers. We did our first ocean dives with Quiescence in February, and are scheduled to get AOW certified with SFDH in FLL in April. We would REALLY like to join y’all for this trip in July, but wanted to put out feelers before we reserve seats to make sure that others who are going would not feel like we would be a hindrance or problem, or be taking seats away from more experienced divers. We are not looking for anyone to babysit us, but view this as a great opportunity to meet the people on the Board, and enhance our skills by learning from divers far more experienced than us. We would like to do the Grove and/or some other wrecks, but then mix in some reefs for my snorkeler/BW wife. What do y’all think? Will the trip and the participants be “open” to some eager newbs? Worse comes to worse, we just book reefs.
Thanks for your input
There are enough dives for all levels. You and your family are more than welcome to join us.
Capt Gary:
Brenda calls the ones who were getting lodging first, but will be calling others soon.

Howard got your response and since we already have a cc on file for you we figured you were set.

Good Diving,

Ignore the E-mail I just sent you then :D

Michelle is looking forward to some chicken wings :chicken:
The medicore chicken wings?? :D
Mmmm... .wings

You know that's the first time I ever used the dancing chicken smiley.

(and now the second)
ok, I will be signing up this Friday....still looking to split a room. I will leave the rum at home so I won't do any streaking and am willing to give a complimentary pair of ear plugs to whomever is brave enough to share a room with me.

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