SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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Nice photo's stu! Good to see you out again!

In fact, thanks to everyone who've shared their pictures of this past trip! I finally have a picture of JUST Kris and myself where she's not pregnant for the first time in years! Oh, Laruens.. the back shot of Kris and I in the water (tanks and butts.. :wink:) is perfect! I love it! It really shows how we really do work at things in our life side by side with trust! :D

Mania, you were a fabulous dive buddy on Saturday! You did kick my butt @ Rock/Paper/Scissors while on safety stops... but hey, I'm used to chicks kickin my butt at things like that.. and for losing that bet I'm going to start wearing the shorter spandex/speedo's from now on.. a deal is a deal.

K.. enough for now.. the rest of yawl I talk to a whole lot more often!! :D

BTW Bob - great shot of Al! A true bildge monkey hard at work with the full trust of those on board... well, most everyone from what the posts say. Great job getting things going Al!
All the links to pics are now on the first page. I think I got them all.
All the links to pics are now on the first page. I think I got them all.

Awesome idea Jenny. Thanks. Anyone seen Cardzard's pics?
So I would like to invite all of you have dived the Eagle to add your stories, photos, videos etc at .

I registered and was about to post when I saw:

Please note that all contributions to eaglewreck may be edited, altered, or removed by other contributors.

Why would I post something that anyone else can change? Fix that glitch and I'll be happy to share my experiences on the Eagle.
I finally got some time to get on. I still need to read all the post trip posts and get my pictures organized, but wanted to get on to say thanks to a bunch of people for a fantastic weekend.

First, thanks to Pete and Scubaboard for sponsoring the trip. I sincerely hope this becomes an annual event. I'll make sure I'm always there.

Thanks to Jenny and her lovely assistants for doing the on the ground organizing - great job! And thanks for sharing the remainder of your air on the first dive after my reg started free flowing. I think I actually see some benefit to a wearing a long hose.

Thanks to all my old dive buddies for making me feel welcome again after a more than a year long absence - Jenny, Marvel, Walter, Krista, and Oliver. Seeing others I haven't seen in awhile but have met at other Scubaboard events - Pete, Colin, Kris and Andy.

Thanks to Ron Frank for being my buddy on a few dives even though I kept sucking air faster than him - then I found out he was diving 100's. And thanks for being part of the Open Water II adventure dive. Thanks for pointing out that your sausage was bigger than mine and stayed up better.

Thanks to Triptone, Sudafed and Excedrine who helped me get through the weekend.

Thanks to my roomies Dan and Lisa who gave me a rather interesting welcome when I came back to my room Friday night.

Thanks to BlueWater Divers. It was great to dive with Brent and Glen again. I found out afterward there was some screw up on Friday and no one showed for reservations, but on Saturday there was no mention of it to any of us and no attitude at all. Class guys.

Thanks to Laurens, Elsa and Mania for coming over and showing us there's more to diving than what you learn in Florida.

Thanks to George for the bottomless margarita glass Friday night.

Thanks to Colin for showing us that you can clip off equipment to a nipple ring.

Thanks to Oliver for showing me the proper way to vomit through your regulator without drowning. And how to attract a ton of fish for some super photo ops. Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Thanks to Conch Republic Divers for showing us why they were voted the #1 operation in the Keys. Brenda gets extra credit for trying to keep us all organized with rooms and dives - akin to trying to herd cats. Capt. Gary has great folks working him. Thanks for showing us how to steer a boat without a rudder and how to fix it. And for fixing my free flowing reg. And special thanks for hosting the Saturday night party at your place. It was great fun.

Thanks to all the wonderful folks who until now were just funny names on Scubaboard who made the weekend what it was.

Thanks to Marvel for being my buddy on my 100th dive and doing the celebratory underwater dance with me. I sure hope those pictures turn out!

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Thank you all.

Pictures to follow soon.

This is the new Universal Conch Hand Sign for Yo Big Guy! Dont bring that over here!

HEy everyone I have not used photobucket before so I hope this works.

I had a great time with you guys and I hope that soon we can all do something together agin.

I am glad the pirate theme went over well. Too bad I forgot that I suggested it!

Great pictures. It is nice to see more above water pictures to see what you all really look like. I hope to make it next year.
Hi Walter,

first of all: thank you for your intention to contribute! :dance:

I registered and was about to post when I saw:
Why would I post something that anyone else can change? Fix that glitch and I'll be happy to share my experiences on the Eagle.
Well, that's THE thing what makes it a Wiki: everybody can contribute and alter (e.g. fix spelling mistakes) each others contributions. But of course, if you (or I) see somebody alters your text in a way you think is unacceptable way, then just contact me and I will revert the article to your original text. I have just added a paragraph to the about page ( )

During the past months I contributed a lot to the Dutch Wikipedia site and my personal experience is that serious users (that is registered users) have the respect to leave each others contributions in tact. Vandalism is usually done by anonymous users. That's why on the Eagle Wreck wiki, registration is required to be able to post.

Alternatively, just mail me your text and I will add it to uneditable to my 'normal' site at

Awesome idea Jenny. Thanks. Anyone seen Cardzard's pics?
Haven't seen them online yet.
Hi Walter,

first of all: thank you for your intention to contribute! :dance:

Well, that's THE thing what makes it a Wiki: everybody can contribute and alter (e.g. fix spelling mistakes) each others contributions. But of course, if you (or I) see somebody alters your text in a way you think is unacceptable way, then just contact me and I will revert the article to your original text. I have just added a paragraph to the about page ( )

During the past months I contributed a lot to the Dutch Wikipedia site and my personal experience is that serious users (that is registered users) have the respect to leave each others contributions in tact. Vandalism is usually done by anonymous users. That's why on the Eagle Wreck wiki, registration is required to be able to post.

Alternatively, just mail me your text and I will add it to uneditable to my 'normal' site at


Bart, this is the first time I've ever heard of a "Wiki". The fact that anyone can edit what I've written is what will keep me from ever posting anything there. Change it from a Wiki to a forum and you'll get more participation. The concept of a Wiki is insane. I have a dive or two on the Eagle.

My first:

Saturday, December 21, 1985. Visibility 60 feet, Depth 110 feet. Unfortunately, I had to work on Thursday when the Eagle sank, so my first dive on the wreck is 2 days later. The stern is deeper than the bow, sitting in 110 feet while the bow is at 100 feet. There are lots of large fish already in residence. One is a large Barracuda people are estimating at 6 feet in length. I suspect they are mistaken. We swam though the blast holes in the hull.

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