SB Diver Littlejohn - Rest in Peace

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MissD, I hope we can expect some good news!!!!!

Jenny, I hear ya, and it makes me really grateful to be a member of this community to see how people are stepping in to help John.
I just got home from seeing John. I spoke with his primary doctor who is a diver himself and has taken care of many dive related accidents. I asked him to please call DAN just in case something was missed and he said he would be more than happy to call them. He said it would not be tonight but in the morning when he could get all the doctors files so he had everything they have done so far. So DAN is taken care of.
Johns lab work shows a high elevation and his doctor confirmed he did have a heart attack when I asked. His heart attack was at the hospital. He has also had a mild stroke.

HR: 80
BP: 117/77
Sat: 98
Temp: was 105 but went to 98.5 :)crafty:way cool baby)
Color: pink
skin: warm dry
Pupils: dilate
John was unresponsive but that was due to his sedation.

Second set of vitals
HR 83
BP: 120/84
Sat: 98
Temp: 98.7

They have started to take John off the vent slowly he is at 80% now he was at 100% it's slow but hey he is doing great:D

I was really pleased to see him, He looked pretty good, but John is far from being out of the woods, he is getting better but slowly. Because he has gotten better they will be taken him down at 9am to get some needed test done, so please pray he makes that trip and gets back ok. His primary doctor is going to call me with the results. His doctor is also going to call me so I can be there when they take him off sedation.

Good staff and great Doctors John is being well taken care of.

Lets all pray John makes his trip in the morning with no problems.
Just heard this news yesterday, I've known John for 7-8 years thru a fishing forum.
I remember him talking about getting certified and we talked about hunting together but never made it happen

prayers are with you my friend

Becky, you are an awesome friend, thank you so much, John WILL make it, we need to keep praying for him.
I talked with Gerry from Jupiter Dive Center this afternoon. He took John's wallet and personal stuff over to St. Mary's this afternoon, they went through it with people from the hospital but found no contact information, and all they could tell Gerry was that he was in serious condition and on a ventilator.

I am glad to hear that they have managed to contact a relative, and I'm hoping he will recover.

Hey Tim - I'll post all the details if/when this gets written up in the Incidents forum, but what I can say for sure right now is this: John did not violate his computer. He pushed it on that second dive, and his computer shows one segment away from deco, but he did not go over. I was not with him on the first dive, but I ascended with him on the second dive and we did do a standard three-minute stop at about 17fsw. We were with the divemaster and basically went up with her as she wound up the flag reel, so it was very controlled and gentle. Dive 1 was 70-80fsw, dive 2 was 60-70fsw, both with about 0:45 bottom time (again, I was not with him on the first dive). Area 51 and The Bluffs. 0:50 SI. We were both diving HP120's and coming up with 800psi or so. He was diving 32%, I was 35%. Seas were 2'-3', current was typical for Jupiter, viz on both dives started great but got down to only 30' or so towards the end.

He was OK at first, right after the second dive as we rested on the bench. He said he got close to deco on the second dive, but did not go over and was glad he went diving that day. 5-10 minutes later, he started to complain of difficulty breathing and that's when the DM put him on oxygen and called EMT's who were waiting for him at the dock.

That's all for now, but let me reiterate - John did not violate his computer! Not only did he tell me as much, but at the hospital they wanted details of his dive, so we accessed his computer to pull up the dive details and saw that it was one segment shy of deco.

>*< Fritz

Out of curiousity, was it (the computer) set on 32%?
What type of computer was he diving?

Thoughts and prayers to John and his family. Sounds like a man with a lot of friends!

John early this morning had a set back but has improved but because of the set back they are going to just run test they can bring to him. They have begun to take him off his sedation I hope for good but that to is a wait and see. I will be heading back up today to see him if anyone would like to ride up with me just give me a call.
305 393-9686
I wish I could Becka, but I have volunteer work I have to do tonight. Please give him my best wishes.
What if someone who is able to visit him were to print a bunch of these posts up for him so he has something to read and cheer him up when he regains conciousness? Obviously it won't matter much when he's sedated, but it may be nice for him when he wakes up.

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