Saw this at the quarry today

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Denail? I dont think so, but I will not second guess an instructor when I was not there.
A couple of facts. The diver was asked twice if he needs help. The instructor made a comment "I can help you" that tells me that the instructor initiated a rescue. For some reason the instructor assesed the situation and decided that the diver was not in trouble.
The fact that the diver was swimming away from him while holding on to an inflated BC and told him he was fine could be a hint.
I think that the instructor could have gone a little further and ask why the diver had his BC off and was out of breath, but like I said, I wasnt there and wont second guess people that were there so lighten up
Lets go over the facts.

First you have a diver watch and see another diver in trouble. You have an instructor go and see is that person OK he is without his buddy he is not wearing his BCD and he is near Hypox or panic. His buddy is not aware. And he say's he is OK.

The part about asking why, where and when is the point. I am sorry but I feel that you have felt offense to the fact that I do question instructors and I do question things that do not make sense. This all started because Scubaband felt that the diver had troubles that is what I am going off. I have not heard anything other and have not any reason to doubt what he said he saw and felt.

The denial part comes from allways saying that the instructor is not wrong or you feel all credit should go his /her way. As doing the right thing. You felt the instructor was watching the diver for other signs. I am only going the other way what if.

I did not mean to be out of line but I thought the characters would show the lighter side.
We just had a death out my way and I feel it may have been avoided. Sorry but I am anal when it comes to others.

Foaming at the mouth ( I think you coined that name)
well, we can go back and forth on this. The simple fact is that I will not judge the behaivor of the instructor because I dont know all the facts. The only thing that concerns me is that Joe felt that he could have done more and I fear if this was a real emergency Joe could have been hurt by the diver, so I suggested that he talk to the instructor (it should have been part of the debreefing in the first place)
I still think that Joe did good
And I still will not pass judgement on the instructor
At the end of the day assisting in an open water class when not anywhere near your DM internship level is putting yourself in harms way for possible litigation and probably completely against the teaching standards and proceedures for NAUI. Your instructor should know this and have your best interest in mind when they refuse to let you assist in a class. You should question their motivations (read cheap labour).

It's just not a smart place to be. Your instructor lacks comon sense if they are allowing you to be there. Take the courses if you enjoy it that much and come back there in a legal capacity that better protects your ass.

At worst switch to PADI and take the P.D.B. Specialty. :D
You've already received some excellent advice, and I'll simply add to it by saying that I understand your position (as a "professional dive buddy' and 'gofer') and believe you did the right thing - considering your experience/cert level.
I also would pursue the concept of 'will work for training'. That's how I got certified as an instructor, by starting our as a DM, working my tail off doing nonsense things and steadily rose to the position I'm currently at.
In my opinion (for what it's worth) your responsibility began with recognizing the situation and ended when an instructor became involved. Again, you did the right thing - keep up the good work!
I have to ask sideband did you ask your instructor and if so what did he say? :icon5:

I also hope you talking about it here did not get you into trouble as that was not the idea. :scubadive

Foaming at the mouth
I almost want to laugh. The way you told the story was sort of funny lolz, but I think you did the right thing, he's the one who said he didn't want help. And so much for the buddy, huh? I guess you always dive with people you trust...

wolf eel:
I have to ask sideband did you ask your instructor and if so what did he say? :icon5:

I also hope you talking about it here did not get you into trouble as that was not the idea. :scubadive

Foaming at the mouth
I called and talked to him yesterday and he said that he did watch him on the way in and followed not too far behind while we all swam back. I tried to phrase the question so it didn't appear to be looking for that answer so I'm sure he did.

Thats fantastic at least now you have no fears of whether or not to trust your instructor. :jump013:

Also it is my nature to question things and what happened here was the diver signaled all was OK then about 2 mins later drop backwards and drowned. The divers on the shore did not respond as they where told OK.

That is why I was sooo adiment. I ment no harm but the question you asked after the thread would have saved all this. (not a cut or statment to you)

Well PRL is having a hay day. I WAS WRONG. :voskl1: I have no trouble in saying so.

Happy dives.

Foaming at the mouth
wolf eel:
That is why I was sooo adiment. I ment no harm but the question you asked after the thread would have saved all this. (not a cut or statment to you)

Happy dives.

Foaming at the mouth

You are right. At the time though I was too busy questioning my own actions. It was after I started talking about it that I realized there were more points to the issue.

Thanks all. It started off rocky but developed into a good thread with some knowledge gained on my part.

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