In a perfect world NEVER is a good word that can be used a lot. In the real world it isn't such a good word.wolf eel:I agree with everybody who said you should have stayed around. I am still confused with how you where helping a class. That is what a DM is for. Your instructor should have told you or somebody else to go and get the dive buddy as you will find your dive buddy will often dive along thinking all is good. His or her dive buddy should have helped out his/her partner. It would have been much better as the frantic divers knows the other diver and would have gladly communicated with that person over everybody else.
I have to ask how can you be a "PRO" helper without training. That is what the training does it gives you the foundations to be "PRO help" If in your case there are multi people in the water stay with the confussed diver and direct others to get the buddy to be aware of what is going on. Then decide if the buddy is compatent to help if not then take control of the situation leaving them to there own is as bad as the buddy face down with out a clue. That situation could have become extremly bad. I am very glad you did something but you also could have been put into a very bad place just being in the water with out any real training. With a O/W class you may have had a paniced diver and with out training you both would have been in trouble. I do not mean this in a bad way to you but your instructor is in the same place as the buddy for the other diver in your own words " should have been slapped" well same goes for an instructor that has O/W tickets helping in no viss situations. Both should have been slapped. You have no right being in the water with new divers. I know all kinds of people will not agree but the trianing you get is what keeps you alive. Take the course and learn when to help and when not to. And what to do. And please do not let people pass out if it can be avoided we are not the bad guys. Communication is everything start to talk with the person take control and never let them pass out as they may drown for NO reason. In courses you may take in the future you will be taught how to deal with a paniced diver (not a bad guy or scumb bag or anything like that) just a diver. Never make a paniced diver swim around your boat Never let somebody hypox out if you can help it never ever let somebody drown because you are afraid they may bring you down that is the point of a rescue diver is to rescue not recover. (that last bit was not for you) never be a coward take the training so you can save somebodys sorry ass as it could be your sorry ass in trouble because of tech problems and the last thing you want is to hypox out then pass out then sink in a hole nobody can see you.
If instructors were to pound NEVER do this or that as far as paniced people in the water go we would have a lot more victims.
What I was trying to get across is that unless you know you can handle the problem sit back a bit and let it calm down to where you can handle it.
Where do you think the rescuer is going to be if the paniced person gets control of them and their gear. Not in good shape at all.
A paniced person is pumping a lot of adreanalin and just might have the power of a freight train. The rescuer won't.
Get into the ring with a professional heavy weight boxer and see how long you last. Don't you think chances would be better if the boxer got totally exhausted first? Same thing in the water. Your not waiting for the person to drown just lose the fight.
Just like other topics on the boards, an example of every possible problem and solutition can't be given even if it were possible.
Several years ago I pulled a pre-teen off some rocks and tried to swim him back to shore. We talked it over, got him into a PFD and slipped ointo the water. He was fine up until the point his feet left the bottom. I had a wild cat on my hands and all I could do was shove him away. That little kid was going to drown me if he got the chance. So NEVER let go, I don't think so. Coward No, Saving MY bacon, yes as well as his eventually.
Hind site is 20/20 and next time, if there is one, the kid will be drug across on a line. He went from a totally calm cooperative, smiling kid, that had everything we were going to do explained to him, into a raging wild cat in an instant.
Never, Harsh word that needs some leighway.
Only do what you feel you CAN do as safely as possible. Do start stacking up the victims.
Gary D.