This thread brings up similar concerns as did the 6 year old killed by boater thread.
The public can make a huge difference in how government behaves. Our country has laws, rules, and regulations for a reason, and unfortunately that reason is because a large portion of the public are selfish jerks.
So what can be done? Well clean it up, and it stays clean for a few weeks.
Getting rules or laws passed that makes littering very expensive, educating the public on those laws, and then getting those fines enforced is a key.
If you can not get these types of actions passed (assuming there are not already laws, which I think their may be) then the problem will not get any better.
FL appears to be suffering from what a LOT of tourist destinations suffer from, and that is over use of many areas, and the end result is trash (not all intentional), and damage by thoughtless individuals. The only way to combat that is to make it expensive for the offenders.
Another thing that needs to be in place is proper disposal facilities, and infrastructure to deal with the trash. One reason people litter is because there is inadequate facilities to dump. This all costs money, and must be managed by our infrastructure, i.e., the government.
Maybe one option is rather than to volunteer to clean up trash, volunteer to work for the park service, and get the authority to fine people who are trashing the place. Not sure if this is possible, but it seems to me that enforcement is more of an issue than law.