Just a message to validate that a contact has been given to the Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire. The purpose of this contract was and is to eliminate all the Donkeys on Bonaire. Since Nov. 1 2014 until the day the Island Council at the request of the Citizens For a Better,Safer and Animal Friendly Bonaire, put a temporary stop to the castrating and killing of Bonaire's special donkeys, The DSB captured over 400 donkeys. 97 old or injured were killed, and brought to the land fill. Over 100 were castrated, tagged and put back. The so called Sanctuary only kept the females and young. As the male young come of age they are programmed to be castrated.
Now, 80% of Bonaire is uninhabited. So there is no problem with the donkeys after 400 plus years that are part of the Islands heritage, remaining free. They have tourist value, ,(how many of you divers enjoyed them on passed trips). Also discovered the African Nubian Wild Ass on Bonaire are on the endangered species red list, .noted to be extinct in there homeland and in the wild. Fact is although the DSB knows this they want to continue to complete the contract. So a response is needed by animal activist and those that love animals.
Please persons and politicians that are working towards removing wild horses and Burros from out west for personal gain need not respond.
Mark Keegan N.Y.: "we must not decide to eradicate donkeys merely for human convenience or prejudice".
**Please no Internet trash or jokes this is serious..
Save Bonaire's Donkeys.
---------- Post added June 13th, 2014 at 03:27 PM ----------
T.C., It is obvious you are a supporter of DSB, There is always 2 sides on a story, The most humane should prevail. You state: Captured males would be castrated and released back into the remaining wilder parts of the island; while mares and foals would be brought to the sanctuary to live." This is answered in 2 parts. The castrated males?? some were put in places where there is no water of roughage. Most returned to the roads or in town. Some were hit by cars when they were being chased. Point is the contract and taking only females that the DSB has been doing for 20 plus years is wrong and ineffective. It has disrupted the balance and is causing most of the problems. There is a viable ecobalance plan being presented and the DSB can be a big part of it. But until now are dead set on having all the donkeys in there Sanctuary. Let me ask you? There are now 500 plus females, an a few young donkeys, on 140 acres. If the contract is complete as DSB states there will be 700 plus. There is little to no place for them to get out of the sun, nothing for them to forage on. Not to mention the cost to feed 500 donkeys let alone 700. Professionals will tell you it is financially impossible. Could this money be used to help animals really in need world over??
Should the ecobalance program constructed by wild life and land management professionals be put in place? Or should the separation of families, killing of the old, castrating of an endangered species that should be protected continue.
If you want to discuse this a bit more email
A meeting of the minds can help do the right thing...
Save Bonaire's Donkey's
---------- Post added June 13th, 2014 at 04:01 PM ----------
Dandy Dan, you stated the following, and we appreciate your comments, as it takes a good debate to get to the truth of all matters.
Yep, not only are they non-native but they are destructive. After close to 500 year residency they are 2nd only to the Indians.
They probably are suffering from their own over population and maybe inbreeding.
Yes, the DSB stated that they are inbread when asked about the studies they said there are none we just know it?????
There has been DNA taken from 4 donkeys it came back not only as an exact match with the endangered species African Nubian wild Ass
But so healthy that the genealogist mentioned Bonaire's donkeys are in better condition then the wild burros of the western U.S.
As far as destructive, Nuisance not destructive, a small percentage. Trash cans turned over of persons that left them out or will not secure the lids, If I took your water supply and food source away by non controlled progress, I think you would look for the nearest source. Most complaints come from new residents and if that is the case maybe they should go a way and leave the persons that enjoy nature in peace.