Saturday After Thanksgiving Dive and Picnic (East Coast)

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In that case, I think I'm going to have to join y'all- Can't pass up an opportunity to meet the infamous LB! Not sure what I will be bringing yet but I promise it will be good... :wink:


Posted via Mobile Device
I plan on being there on Thanksgiving morning. I'll post a conditions update after the dive.

The BBQ sounds like fun but our group will have to skip it since we got blown out last weekend for a boat trip. We are doing the AM Bridge dive and then heading to for a single tank dive boat trip. I'll stop by and say hello before we go.

Drat! I was hoping to do some drills with you.
yeaaa Marvel is comming, will you dive?
Drat! I was hoping to do some drills with you.

I am also available on Friday or Sunday. I think you will fit into Joan's 5mm. I'll bring it with me and you can try it out. We'll both be in Drysuits for the next couple of months.
Drat! I was hoping to do some drills with you.

Marvel, I'll run some drills with you if you're interested.

William! Not even the BBQ? Ok, I'm not your SO, but for Joan's sake... Dude!! You're too busy.
That's what 5 mil suits are for.

What do you mean 5 mil? I'm probably going to wear my dry suit on Saturday.

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