mofosaurus:"as the daughter and sister and SO of men in law enforcement who have seen and felt first hand the devastation a LIBERAL judge"
you show what you are by this statement alone
What exactly does this show her to be, other than the daughter, sister, and
significant other of men in law enforcement?
mofosaurus:FYI my sister is a sargeant with the LA County Sheriff's
Meaning what?
mofosaurus:would a CONSERVATIVE judge sentenced differently?
A quote from the linked article at the top of this thread reads:
Carlie's slaying has prompted Florida's attorney general to investigate stiffening penalties for offenders who violate the terms of their release. Smith had been free despite violating his probation, and Carlie's family has called for an investigation of how his numerous past arrests were handled.
I think its entirely possible that a conservative, tough-on-crime judge might have been more diligent about enforcing the rules in Smiths case. His probation should have been revoked the moment he violated it. Had that occurred, Carlie would still be alive.
mofosaurus:do you even know what mandatory sentencing is or federal sentencing guidelines?
What do either of those things have to do with this case? The problem was not lenient sentencing, but that no one bothered to enforce the terms of his probation. How do mandatory sentencing or federal guidelines figure into that?