Sad news: Carli Brucia was found dead

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"as the daughter and sister and SO of men in law enforcement who have seen and felt first hand the devastation a LIBERAL judge"

you show what you are by this statement alone

What exactly does this show her to be, other than the daughter, sister, and
significant other of men in law enforcement?

FYI my sister is a sargeant with the LA County Sheriff's

Meaning what?

would a CONSERVATIVE judge sentenced differently?

A quote from the linked article at the top of this thread reads:

“Carlie's slaying has prompted Florida's attorney general to investigate stiffening penalties for offenders who violate the terms of their release. Smith had been free despite violating his probation, and Carlie's family has called for an investigation of how his numerous past arrests were handled.”

I think it’s entirely possible that a conservative, tough-on-crime judge might have been more diligent about enforcing the rules in Smith’s case. His probation should have been revoked the moment he violated it. Had that occurred, Carlie would still be alive.

do you even know what mandatory sentencing is or federal sentencing guidelines?

What do either of those things have to do with this case? The problem was not lenient sentencing, but that no one bothered to enforce the terms of his probation. How do mandatory sentencing or federal guidelines figure into that?
Thoughts and prayers are with the families.Here are a couple of sites that can help us to help the families and victims. In these crimes, time is the most important factor. I believe these sites have an email alert option and code amber allows to to paste an amber alert banner into a website. Let's do all we can to prevent such tragedies.
My wife brought up this very subject, when she heard the news about it, to me. My wife was particularly bothered by the whole scene, since we are planning to have our own first kid, sometime soon. She also wanted to know what I thought about the events, since during one of my military assignments in the distant past, I handled criminal lock-ups and prosecutions. And she wanted to know if Florida is tough on crime.

I told her that Florida is quite tough on crime, second only to Texas on toughness and on the number of death penalty executions. Therefore I did not believe it was a toughness on crime issue, and as such, I personally hold Florida blameless.

We talked about the need to watch over kids carefully and closely. Especially our own kid, when we have one.

We talked about the criminal mind, and how it views other people only as potential objects with no sense of empathy or feelings of any kind. This seems to be some kind of abnormality, perhaps triggered by some sort of abuse experienced by the criminal during youth. My liberal viewpoint is evident here. Still, I believe that anyone who kills another human should himself/herself be killed by the state. I hope the jury finds for capital murder in the present case.

The U.S. Constitution forbids "cruel and unusual" punishments, generally academically understood to mean the British act of "drawing and quartering" in which the convict is effectively tortured alive. Thus the framers of our Constitution forbade any type of torture as appropriate for criminals. Although this current thread alludes to that issue, I believe that any quick execution, such as lethal injection, or decapitation, or firing squad, or hanging, is quite sufficient. My point is that a killer should die. I do not see much point in making it a slow death, however.

Victims must always grieve. They will grieve less, after the killer has been executed. And a quick execution will accomplish that quite well, both in helping the victims get over their grief, and in ridding society of the criminal.
John all the questions you have presented to this individual are questions that entered my mind and I’m sure most, if not all, of the people who have read this thread. Unfortunately when the person you are trying to interact with is significantly irrational, appealing to their reason will be ineffective. Often times with people who have this personality trait, when told they are being irrational, they will find a way to conceptualize our behavior in a negative way and seek ways to punish us for "misrepresenting" them. In this situation the punishment is detestable attacks on me through postings. These people, though irrational much of the time, see themselves as reasonable people who do not suffer fools gladly. Hence the condescending/sarcastic comments such as: “do you even know what mandatory sentencing is or federal sentencing guidelines?”

What has really happened here is a personal attack against me because of my political leanings, by someone who doesn’t have a clue as to the person I am. I never had political agenda it was this individual’s political agenda. Natasha was right when she said she didn’t know where he was coming from, it’s been pretty bizarre. My post about this beautiful child and tragic situation just gave him an opportunity to spew his hate for my beliefs. In his statement, “you show what you are by this statement alone” he is accusing me of concealing the fact that I am a dirty disgusting conservative, when in fact I came out of the closet years ago when I confessed to being a right of center, elephant loving NRA member. And believe it or not I do have many liberal friends, who like me, they really really like me.

As for “would a CONSERVATIVE judge sentenced differently?” Well, dah? That question is just so obtuse it doesn’t deserve a response other than a LOL. So, if I’m allowed to quote the unforgettable words of H2Andy, “dude, let go…”On the constructive side I think it’s great that Amy shared those web sites…to take it a step further, it would be fabulous if we, as a scuba diving community, were able to do something collectively that would have a positive impact in these type of situations or even better, before these situations ever began…I don’t know what…just thinking aloud.

Yes, I think it would be great if we, the scuba community, could find a collective way to help.

And I thought that I had read someone posting that this is a significant topic for divers, which I whole heartedly believe. As a two parent, two diver family with young children, it is not an option to take our kids with us yet. So, anytime we spend in the water, we have left our children in the care of someone else. What a frightening prospect in this world. Sometimes we are blessed to have family help out, but that will not always be the case. I suppose this is a down side to enjoying this sport together that excludes our kids (however, they are quickly learning to love snorkeling).

So, not to change the thread, but I think this is a topic that could certainly be pertinent to many divers.
The best thing we can do is to love our children, not take them for granted and to cherish each and every moment that we have with them. Sometimes we do that to the neglect of the other kids in our neighborhood.

It is my heartfelt belief that we also should do this for the kids we come in contact with. My father died when I was only 9. I owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to Mr Fritz Dahlstedt (my Scoutmaster), and Mr John Dahlquist who patiently tried to help my mom raise me. These two men have left an indelible mark on my soul and will never be forgotten. I fully believe in volunteerism, and wonder what people like this assailant would have been like if they had a Scoutmaster like Mr D. What if one man had taken Hitler under his wing? Think of how many more "monsters" we could have if it weren't for all of the mentors already out there. We may be incapable of changing the world, but we can change the hearts and minds of these kids... one at a time. What's stopping you from making a difference? Nothing but your priorities. Sorry... I'll step off of my soapbox now.
I actually don't blame the juries for not convicting...

I agree.

You would need to have a fascist state to eliminate anyone suspected or accused of crime.

Juries must follow instructions given to them by judges. When the err, it is often due to some uncertainty.

O.J. Simpson's jury made a huge misjudgment, in most people's view. However there is a significant portion of the viewing population that also believes the jury got that one right.

Juries make mistakes too. Normally they err when the evidence is lacking or inconclusive.

At any given time in America there are about 50 to 100 serial killers on the loose. Society needs to be more diligent to be on the lookout for them. Evidence needs to be gathered successfully. It needs to be eye-witness evidence or conclusive circumstantial evidence. And even then, some juries are still going to make a bad choice now and again.

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