Sad news: Carli Brucia was found dead

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I'm with Mare on her opinions here, so I'll save my temper and not post what I'm really thinking. This thread would end up getting pulled. God has a place for Carli in heaven, and as for Smith, I'm sure God has a plan for him as well. Child predators and rapists are the most vile pieces of **** that exist. May their remaining time on Earth be painful and tormenting, so that when they leave this place they have just an inkling of a taste of what is to come for their eternity.
HI Guys:
I thought about pulling this thread, but I really don't see anyone abusing the TOS.
And I think we should be able to talk about subjects in the news, even if they are as terrible as this one.
Let's just continue to be careful that it doesn't get heated, and there is no direct name bashing of judges and such.
thank you all.. i was so afraid after posting last night that my feelings (which i admit were pretty raw last night) might have gotten out of hand.

but thank you all for your comments
I think much of the blame belongs squarely on the shoulders of judges who allow defense attorneys far too much leeway in the matter of what information (such as past criminal records) is supressed. As was pointed out earlier in this thread, a jury only knows what the judge allows them to be told, which means their decisions are often based on a severely incomplete set of facts. Although it may be taking it a bit too far to demand that judges be put up on manslaughter charges for their decisions, I agree that there has to be a lot more accountability on their part.

Samantha Runnion (the five year old girl who was abducted from her home in Stanton, CA in 2002, then subsequently raped and murdered) would still be alive today if a jury had convicted him of molesting the daugthters of his former girlfriend (who later recognized him from his police composite sketch and phoned in the tip that led to his arrest in Samantha's murder). Instead, he was acquitted by a Riverside county jury in 2000, leaving him free to commit an even more horrific atrocity a mere two years later. But who was to blame? Did the judge allow a key piece of evidence to be suppressed? Or was it the jury who believed Avila instead of the testimony of his underage victims? I imagine that most of the parties invoved in that trial have felt a horrible amount of guilt since then, perhaps deservedly. Seeing vermin like Avila slip through the cracks and run free to commit even worse crimes is one of the worst aspects of our criminal system. My heart goes out to those who must now suffer due to our system's failure to keep subhumans like Smith away from innocents like Carla Brucia.
I think much of the blame belongs squarely on the shoulders of judges who allow defense attorneys far too much leeway in the matter of what information (such as past criminal records) is supressed. As was pointed out earlier in this thread, a jury only knows what the judge allows them to be told, which means their decisions are often based on a severely incomplete set of facts. Although it may be taking it a bit too far to demand that judges be put up on manslaughter charges for their decisions, I agree that there has to be a lot more accountability on their part.

I am far from liberal. As a matter of fact, in the trial that I was jury foreman, we convicted the lady (I don't know if we would have convicted if she hadn't testified herself and slipped up on the stand one too many times). But I will say that in our state the election system does provide a form of accountability. A judge that is a "hanging judge" stands a far better chance at re-election when this is pointed out than a judge who allows a bunch of plea bargains, light sentences, and is generally known to be soft on criminals.

We have also had cases sent back to our District Court here that the Appellate Court said the judges where too lenient on what they allowed for evidence. One involves a guy convicted of a rape/murder who the appellate court said that the judge wrongly allowed a jailhouse confession to be admitted ("prosecutor-planted" cellmate). The county prosecutor has stated that they don't know if they can retry the case without it as it is mostly circumstantial. There also has been a rash of cases that have been sent back because the sentence was more harsh than guidelines and the Appellate Court couldn't justify it. Guess what? Even though these judges have to retry (or resentence) the cases, it looks much better in the voting booth to the public that they erred on that side of the law, LOL.
marebythesea I find it quite disturbing that you are using this tragic, senseless, and apalling death of this child to ponitificate about your political agenda.

you disgust me though it is not cheritable for me to feel this way

to watch this poor angel to be taken to her death is more than I and I belive most people can bare

god have mercy on Carli's and your soul
marebythesea I find it quite disturbing that you are using this tragic, senseless, and apalling death of this child to ponitificate about your political agenda.

you disgust me though it is not cheritable for me to feel this way

to watch this poor angel to be taken to her death is more than I and I belive most people can bare

god have mercy on Carli's and your soul

This is way out of line! Where in the world are you coming from with this post? There is nothing of a political agenda in Mare's post. This is a most disgusting post in itself. I hope you get banned for your attack.
marebythesea I find it quite disturbing that you are using this tragic, senseless, and apalling death of this child to ponitificate about your political agenda.

you disgust me though it is not cheritable for me to feel this way
I agree that this thread is probably toeing the line of what is tolerated on this board. Since it involves a topic I feel very strongly about, I appreciate that Natasha and company are allowing it even though it has absolutely nothing to do with diving. Unfortunately, statements such as this tend to change the tone of the thread and they end up pulled. I re-read mare's post and only see a parent disturbed by the outcome of circumstances beyond her (?) control, not a pontification or an agenda.
I agree that this thread is probably toeing the line of what is tolerated on this board. Since it involves a topic I feel very strongly about, I appreciate that Natasha and company are allowing it even though it has absolutely nothing to do with diving. Unfortunately, statements such as this tend to change the tone of the thread and they end up pulled. I re-read mare's post and only see a parent disturbed by the outcome of circumstances beyond her (?) control, not a pontification or an agenda.

All I see in that post and most of the posts here are parents afraid that it will happen to their children. This is a very legimate frustration. Unfortunately, like many things in life, we would like to do more than things aren't always as simple as they look at first glance.
Thanks all...and your right about my post. Although I am very clear and strong in my political convictions and never afraid to stand up for what I believe in, there was nothing political in the feelings I shared. H2Andy's reaction touched my heart, a heart that was already aching for a child and her parents.

It was above and beyond for Natasha to not pull this thread and I salute her...but this does have to do with diving. How often do we leave our kids at home with baby sitters to pursue our love of the sea, or with strangers at resorts that cater to our diving needs? Or in shops when we're looking for new equipment, or that camera housing on sale...we think we do everything right, but for reason's we may never know, it's never enough. At least it wasn't for Carlie's parents. And what makes it even more unbearable is that no matter what we do to protect our children and the people we love, it will never be enough in the world we live in because of our judicial system.

I've appreciated all the comments in this thread...we are all different (dah) and we should respect and celebrate those differences. When we do so, decisions and changes get made that benefit all of us, including our children. I have taken to heart Reeveseye, Brian and Genesis’s etc. postings, their comments are well thought out and they bring to the table different opinions. They didn't feel the need to spew hate and attack, but rather encouraged me and others to re-look at our opinions in order to find the right solution to tragedies like Carlie's and Samantha's and E.A. Harvey, Laura Ayala, Nancy Crystal Chavez, Jessica Cortez, Iriana DeJesus. Erica Pratt, Alexis Patterson, Jennifer Short, Elizabeth Smart, Jahi Turner, Danielle van Dam, Destiny Wright...

I do have an agenda mofosaurus, as a mother who's 12 year old son was beaten with a baseball bat by a group of gang bangers for a grand total of 35 cents only because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time; as an R.N. who has taken care of one too many sexually and physically abused children in the ER and ICU; as the daughter and sister and SO of men in law enforcement who have seen and felt first hand the devastation a liberal judge sets in motion when he frees a pedophile or chronic offender. I want to see our children safe. So, if making Carlie's death a "political agenda" saves another child's life,that is what needs to happen. It was because of that agenda that we have Megan's law, the Amber Alert and that Samantha’s Mom has been able to start a child safety program in Orange County.

So with all that said, I thank you for your prayers -- we can never have enough...

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