Thanks all...and your right about my post. Although I am very clear and strong in my political convictions and never afraid to stand up for what I believe in, there was nothing political in the feelings I shared. H2Andy's reaction touched my heart, a heart that was already aching for a child and her parents.
It was above and beyond for Natasha to not pull this thread and I salute her...but this does have to do with diving. How often do we leave our kids at home with baby sitters to pursue our love of the sea, or with strangers at resorts that cater to our diving needs? Or in shops when we're looking for new equipment, or that camera housing on sale...we think we do everything right, but for reason's we may never know, it's never enough. At least it wasn't for Carlie's parents. And what makes it even more unbearable is that no matter what we do to protect our children and the people we love, it will never be enough in the world we live in because of our judicial system.
I've appreciated all the comments in this thread...we are all different (dah) and we should respect and celebrate those differences. When we do so, decisions and changes get made that benefit all of us, including our children. I have taken to heart Reeveseye, Brian and Genesiss etc. postings, their comments are well thought out and they bring to the table different opinions. They didn't feel the need to spew hate and attack, but rather encouraged me and others to re-look at our opinions in order to find the right solution to tragedies like Carlie's and Samantha's and E.A. Harvey, Laura Ayala, Nancy Crystal Chavez, Jessica Cortez, Iriana DeJesus. Erica Pratt, Alexis Patterson, Jennifer Short, Elizabeth Smart, Jahi Turner, Danielle van Dam, Destiny Wright...
I do have an agenda mofosaurus, as a mother who's 12 year old son was beaten with a baseball bat by a group of gang bangers for a grand total of 35 cents only because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time; as an R.N. who has taken care of one too many sexually and physically abused children in the ER and ICU; as the daughter and sister and SO of men in law enforcement who have seen and felt first hand the devastation a liberal judge sets in motion when he frees a pedophile or chronic offender. I want to see our children safe. So, if making Carlie's death a "political agenda" saves another child's life,that is what needs to happen. It was because of that agenda that we have Megan's law, the Amber Alert and that Samanthas Mom has been able to start a child safety program in Orange County.
So with all that said, I thank you for your prayers -- we can never have enough...