Running with the Bulls.........

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I know, he call me after and he was supermega happy about the dive......
He left a mxg......
Stef I did a wonderful dive, bla bla, wonderful dive, bla bla beautiful dive, bla bla megasuper beautifl dive...if you listen the message you can feel the excitement :chicken: :wave-smil

I love your avatar!
... I have no doubt Dario or Jim would have done the same thing had they been in my position at that time...

You give me too much credit... I would gladly sacrifice my buddies (lol)... besides, that shell on the back gives them gas!! :14:
Guys, no matter who did what, again: great dive (!) and looking forward for another meeting of the bullsharks' and the whole Irish wake's teams! (possibly with the pair of gloves that I missed - I found the second boot :wink: )
Jim, next time I'll remember of that, and I'll shout "Walter, sharks coming!!!" :) :) :)
Guys, no matter who did what, again: great dive (!) and looking forward for another meeting of the bullsharks' and the whole Irish wake's teams! (possibly with the pair of gloves that I missed - I found the second boot :wink: )
Jim, next time I'll remember of that, and I'll shout "Walter, sharks coming!!!" :) :) :)

:D :D :D :D
I just posted some pictures from Nassau 2004.

Dove with my son (13) at the time

Wreck: Bahama Mama
Of Interest: Not scheduled as a shark dive, but 5-7 Reef Sharks
Vis: 100-110' overcast day and VERY green water

Other: This is at the edge of the shelf... just off the wreck, the bottom drops to 6000' It is 3 different dives....

1) Bahama Mama
2) Shark Bowl
3) Ray of Hope Wreck
Very nice! So when you want you know how to take pictures at sharks . . .

Hey, I thought that "one" he took was a very good one, lol. Tech where is that pic again?
Very nice! So when you want you know how to take pictures at sharks . . .

Did you notice the one swimming between the divers... and no one was even interested that it was there... That's one of my favorites! :14:
I love your avatar!
Thank you........
I'm a phychic diver......future, new dive, three buddies.....
:jaws: :sofa: (Walter) :peepwalla (Jim) :klo: (Dario)

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