Running with the Bulls.........

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Jenny, how many people like diving with you? Walter, me, Bill, who else? You don't want to lose one of them do you?
Jim, great pictures except for that of the shark that actually seems not as nasty as it appeared to me when it was pointing the two of us!

Thankyou. I'll post them, with your permission, on the story I'll post on the Italian Scubaboard ( By the way, if any of you needs any help for diving sites in Italy, here I'm!

I want to see the pictures........ with theCaptain chicken :wink:
Sei come il prezzemolo :D
I don't wanna lose any of them!
Great report Walter. Your cool reaction in that situation helped everyone I think.
Diver Dennis:
Great report Walter. Your cool reaction in that situation helped everyone I think.

Jim and Dario saved me as much as I saved them. The fact all three of us kept our calm and thought about what we were doing at all times stopped it from ending badly. Through out the 20 or so minutes we were being hounded, we all had to charge the sharks several times. The last charge was perhaps the fastest, longest and closest charge, but that's because of the situation and our relative positions. I have no doubt Dario or Jim would have done the same thing had they been in my position at that time. These two men have proven to me I can trust them with my life even when theirs is at risk. They earned my respect.
I want to see the pictures........ with theCaptain chicken :wink:
Sei come il prezzemolo :D

TheCaptain is one brave man!
TheCaptain is one brave man!
I know, he call me after and he was supermega happy about the dive......
He left a mxg......
Stef I did a wonderful dive, bla bla, wonderful dive, bla bla beautiful dive, bla bla megasuper beautifl dive...if you listen the message you can feel the excitement :chicken: :wave-smil

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