Running with the Bulls.........

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I prefer a buddy who thinks and acts, a buddy like you, than one who is afraid to make decisions.

I agree 100%... and I am more than likely here today and able to agree because you said.... "sharks coming"

Remember, it became the theme of day after we got back on the boat... :14:
... you probably scared that poor old bull half to death when you charged him. Just think of the psycological impact you had on him.
That's funny. Poor shark is probably searching for a shark psychologist right now, trying to get his life back in order after this human encounter. Walter has been known to have that sorta impact on - ummm - organisms!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Those of us still on the boat were confused by the mixed signals. I'm glad everything turned out OK, but next time I'll assume the worst and move the boat. Better safe than sorry!
Walter, there was this guy selling shark bats on here recently...

glad you are still in the food chain amigo.
Catherine, I have a shark billy I got to keep gators away, I've never taken it on a salt water dive. Perhaps I should.

Rich, all of us who were there know that. Those of us in the water made a mistake by not aborting the dive earlier. We all learned and are closer friends because of the experience.
... and getting the boat closer to the jug... let's not forget that one...

I am so popular... 5 PMs wow! They love me... they REALLY love me! lol

And people think that I am crazy for diving in caves:D

All jokes aside, it is commendable that the three of you kept calm and worked together to get out of the situation safely. I could only hope to do as well.

Very interesting, thanks for posting this.
Wow. Thanks for sharing your story. Glad ya'll are here to talk about it instead of a statistic.

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