Running a red light (Not for queasy stomachs)

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No lights are visible, but I'm assuming that since the car in the foreground is stopped, and the cars approaching are also stopping that the PT Cruiser ran a red light?

If so, then the pedestrian was walking against the light when he got it?

actually, the dispatcher says where they're going over the radio, you just meet
them there...

i mean...


it's unethical and against the rules of pretty much all states to chase ambulances or solicit business at hospitals. the days of the ambulance chaser are mostly gone.

however, the days of the "FREE FREE FREE CONSULTATION" ads are quite upon us, I am afraid...
99% of the lawyers give the rest a bad reputation.
That may be... but that was a four lane road, and the oncoming car seemed to hve been in the inner lane, which would have MISSED the pedestrian.
I wonder how the pedestrian is doing now? My thoughts and prayers are with him & his family.

I showed the clip to my soon to be driving, daughter. Freaked her out.

I thought pedestrians had the right of way.
I thought pedestrians had the right of way.
Most places they do, but the driver of a vehicle that is not on it's wheels has NO control over direction or speed. That dude was in the wrong place at the wrong time!

p.s. - from my post earlier - the woman died, the 10yo victim's condition was upgraded to "serious" as of late last night.
It's good to be right... but not DEAD right. As Snow pointed out, the vehicle had no directional control.
About 8 years ago, I was half-way through an intersection when I looked up and saw the light was red. I never even hit the brakes, because by the time I realized what had happened I was already through the intersection. I was going about 40, cross traffic would have been doing 40-45...this was a pretty busy intersection.

The light was soo red, I'm sure it was about to turn green. I turned into the next parking lot, which just happened to be the place I worked at, at the time, got out and was sick to my stomach. I just totally spaced out, no cell phone to blame...just not paying attention. To this day, when going through any intersection, I always give the stop lights another look just because of that incident 8 years ago. FREAKED ME OUT!

I don't think the driver of the PT should be punished to harshly by the courts, unless he/she was under the influence of something. It could have been an honest mistake that any one of us, like myself 8 years ago, could have made. Not everyone who runs a red light is talking on the cell phone or purposely running it because he/she is running late etc etc. Watching this clip just made me think of what could have happened to me, to punish me in a way that you guys are talking about, would just not be fair. I think the emotional trauma would have been more than enough to ruin my life.

I do think a civil suit by the pedestrian is in order, pay all the medical bills, rehabilitation, emotional/physical trauma for years, but the driver of the PT should not get any jail time, unless like I said above, he/she was under the influence or something similiar, or maybe has a very horrendous driving record.

I do think a civil suit by the pedestrian is in order, pay all the medical bills, rehabilitation, emotional/physical trauma for years, but the driver of the PT should not get any jail time, unless like I said above, he/she was under the influence or something similiar, or maybe has a very horrendous driving record.


I would think that any compensation to the pedestrian would be tempered by the fact they too were "running a red light" - or sauntering anyway.

FLL Diver:
No lights are visible, but I'm assuming that since the car in the foreground is stopped, and the cars approaching are also stopping that the PT Cruiser ran a red light?

If so, then the pedestrian was walking against the light when he got it?
The car in the foreground that was stopped i reckon was waiting in the left turn lane, i was watching the others on the far side, which were still going at the start of the clip (i think) and then some came to a stop about 3-4 seconds before the PT Cruiser blows the light and the carnage ensued. If that was the case, the pedestrian was walking before the light and at a decent pace might have made it over in time before the cross-traffic started going.
I don't think the driver of the PT should be punished to harshly by the courts, unless he/she was under the influence of something. It could have been an honest mistake that any one of us, like myself 8 years ago, could have made. Not everyone who runs a red light is talking on the cell phone or purposely running it because he/she is running late etc etc. Watching this clip just made me think of what could have happened to me, to punish me in a way that you guys are talking about, would just not be fair. I think the emotional trauma would have been more than enough to ruin my life.

I do think a civil suit by the pedestrian is in order, pay all the medical bills, rehabilitation, emotional/physical trauma for years, but the driver of the PT should not get any jail time, unless like I said above, he/she was under the influence or something similiar, or maybe has a very horrendous driving record.
I think even driving whilst spaced out (from tiredness or just not being aware) is also dangerous. I know we have all done it, and if something were to happen, we would all feel bad, BUT should something happen you should still be liable in some way (min bill payment) for negligence in charge of a dangerous object (dont know what an actual law term would be). What happens when the capt on a ferry looks away a second and misses the dock causing damage/death? Does he get told that "its ok, could happen to anyone, not your fault, here is a slapped wrist now dont do it again"? Someone driving a car has a "similar" type of responsibility, particularly to those other road users and those in their car.
The clip I saw is of one naked woman barfing in another naked woman's mouth. Is the link broken?
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