Well if you check the Padi Web Site They are not there as a PADI shop and never will be again.
As far as the Case in Cabo San Lucas it is an open case according to the Canadian Consular Agent the case is still on going. You just make your self look bad by posting things you have no idea about.
ok, johnzdiver , lets look at what you are trying to achieve, you start off your profile life by asking a innocent question about diving in cabo san lucas, then you reply saying how much of a great experience you had with BAJA DIVE and divemaster CARLOS. then you promptly reply that the manta boat from manta cabo san lucas was indeed the boat that sunk, then when the unfortunate accident occurred this year, you were very quick to put sunshines name all over your replies, ..... see any pattern?....
then yesterday, you show up again, 9 months after the accident, with a very bad, uneducated, and even illegal video (if the case is still open, you made yourself liable for defamation) showing the BAJA DIVE divemaster CARLOS BRETHERTON DIAZ de SANDI doing the official test on "a tank", as he was the self appointed representative to test the tanks, are you still following the pattern here?
from what we see, the dive community in cabo in general is a very friendly and happy community. this very sad accident effected a lot of people, but trying to pass the blame onto a shop and / or individuals just to make them look bad, is a very low act.
also, just because the shop in question is not on the padi webpage, doesn't mean it was expelled or suspended, if you actually look on the page of expelled and suspended members and shops, you won't see the shops name there. because they were never expelled or suspended.
so BAJA DIVE owner Devor Sherman, or dive master Carlos........ or whoever...... acting like you are, will not increase your business.