Ron Lee's Personal Rules for Diving in Cozumel

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and the difference between the male and female bodies.

How dare you say that!! Sexist....

Now poor Ron's name is on the thread title.... Just get the .22 and take the thread out behind the wood shed and do what needs done....
I'd love to see Ron on a boat filled with of young, inexperienced female divers. He'll have a stroke...of course, so will every other male on the boat.
Did the title to this thread get moderated????? I could have sworn it didn't say that before.

If so I'm putting my LOL and eye roll out there right now!

:rofl3: :shakehead: :rofl3:

If you asked somebody to change it Ron, I'm going to be searching you for your mangina. If it was moderated without your consent...holy crap is all I can say right now, and there are too many people worried too much about nothing.

I would "like" this but then I would be on the list. Did anyone notice the missing 22 pages in the diver missing thread? When did Rose Mary Woods start working at SB?
Hahaha. What a funny thread. Well I can say, without much doubt, that the next time I go to Cozumel I expect some guy to be watching out for me. I expect this because I know that DM dives are mandated in Coz and most DMs are men.

And here at home? Well, again, I can say with no doubt at all that on virtually every dive there is at least one guy watching me carefully. However, in this case they're keeping close track of me because I'm leading the dive.

The problem with Ron's rule isn't one of political correctness run amok, nor of southern upbringing dictating behavior, nor of genteel conduct coming into play. It's paternalistic condescension. Ron didn't actually say "let's watch out for one another." What he said was that he feels he must "Always monitor/watch over women divers."


"Watch over?"


As for the relative safety record of women divers, consider this:
Diving Medicine for Scuba Divers by Dr. Carl Edmonds:
In the 1990's, 1 in 10 of fatalities were women. The actual percentage of women in the overall diving population was about 1 in 3, suggesting that women are safer divers than men. Even now, females account for only 20% of deaths.
Maybe Ron and his cohorts need to keep a close eye on the women they dive with so that they can emulate safe diving practices. :wink:
I had to google her. That's funny!

---------- Post added January 20th, 2013 at 01:56 PM ----------

Quero your statistics are highly skewed by the problem of the percentages of male vs female scuba divers.

All anybody needs to do to stop pretending Ron is such a evil man is ask yourself these 2 questions -

How many co-dependent male divers have I ran across?
How many co-dependent female divers have I ran across?

End of story if you answer it honestly.

If somebody felt the need to change the thread title to 'protect' Cozumel, I'm just blown away by that persons's pettiness and crazy thought process that Cozumel needs their protection. That somehow a public service needed to be done to make sure these were clearly Ron's Rules and not somehow the official municipality of Cozumel's Rules. :shakehead: Seriously? Really???
Yea, but what do you care who he watches? You don't need it, right?

And for the record, paternalism involves restricting a group's liberty or autonomy for their own good. I didn't hear Ron restrict or suggest restrictions for anyone. It is unfair, in my opinion, to label him as such.

(of course it might be a bit condescending... Still the idea what Ron said wasn't that bad. Seems like a lot of people are equating 'I watch over the women' with "Get you @#$ back in the kitchen and make me some pie." It simply isn't that severe of a slight to women and attempts to make it so are not intellectually honest.)

Quero your statistics are highly skewed by the problem of the percentages of male vs female scuba divers.
Try reading a little more slowly, Mike. The percentages of male and female divers are accounted for by the numbers cited. Anyway. They're not my statistics; they're those of the three male authors of the book. And by the way, the lead author is a recipient of DAN's equivalent of "Man of the Year" award. Dr. Edmonds.

All anybody needs to do to stop pretending Ron is such a evil man is ask yourself these 2 questions -

How many co-dependent male divers have I ran across?
How many co-dependent female divers have I ran across?

End of story if you answer it honestly.
About the same number of each, to be perfectly honest. And I guess that does pretty much put an end to the "big strong man" versus "little lady" nonsense.
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Damn I hate it when you spend X amount of minutes on a comment and at a blink of an eye; IT GONE!!!

so I will be short this time around responding...

Within the context of diving skills my experience would be that gender has nothing to do with how skilled or safe a diver is. In my relatively limited travels I have been amazed at just as many women as men with incredible dive skills. The biggest difference i observe is that most of those women would also use considerably less air than comparably skilled men.
Imo, there is nothing wrong with respecting others and looking out for those who are vulnerable but to make the statement that generally women divers need a man to look out for them while diving is ridiculous.

Gender and diving had nothing to do with my initial comment... It was regarding your 1960's comment...

What does gender have to do with it? Wouldn't you help an elderly man or anyone who seems to need a hand?

Nothing at all...! Yes, and I do... all the time!

My initial post has NOTHING to do regarding gender...Right, wrong, of indifferent; it has to do about a mind set, being polite, and helpful! Something this country is sorely in need of these days...!

When it comes to gender; there is only ONE thing I draw the line in the sand on and I will keep that off this thread... IF you girls are mad about what I have said so far, I will be damn if I want to start a lynching!!! :wink:

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