Remaining MV Spree/flower garden trips canceled for 2008

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I can only speak for myself. I live an 8 hour drive from the coast, but I do my best to make that trip at least once a year to get "out there". I'm so impressed with the FG that I serve as a volunteer for the NMS as a speaker, presenter and educator (and some would say "promoter") for what I consider to be one of the most unique and fascinating dive destinations I know. Have I ever been "waved out". Sure, and the last trip I took to the FG saw us chased out of the Gulf by Hurricane Dolly. That won't keep me from booking again, I assure you. Sure I'd be disappointed if I had a trip planned and it was cancelled by decisions that were made after this hurricane. However, I applaud the boats and their crews for what they are doing now. I would be absolutely fine with re-booking a trip for next year.
Yes, I'm saddened that the Spree is leaving. Yes, I understand why and cannot fault them in any way. I just sincerely hope the Fling will be able to continue to provide service for years to come. You can bet the farm on this...I'll be there if I'm physically capable of getting underwater and then back on the boat.
Hey Frank, got any news on damage to the Manta? I have some biologist friends who are achin' for some info.
rchman, I am tied right in front of the Manta. The Manta sustained a little damage during the storm, including a dinged-up hull and some framing damage inside. They also sprung a fuel tank.
It has always seemed to me, whenever I put a pencil to it, the FG trips cost more in terms of money, time and potential for cancellation than a quick run to Cozumel. Factor in the fact the trip is never billed as relaxing (always safe) with the current and waves, etc and I just have a hard time getting excited about it other than to say yep I've been there...

Having said all of that it is one of the first places I intend to sail to if we ever get our boat in the gulf after the storm... doesn't appear you're a math major......on a number of dives/length of dives basis, FG blows Cozumel away....I've done 4 Coz trips, and on a per dive/total cost basis, Coz is 2 to 3 times as expensive...and compares even more poorly on a total bottom-time basis, as on SPREE I can bring my HP 120 or HP 130, versus the typical AL 80 in Coz. (all costs included, my 08/08 4-day SPREE trip ran me about $ 75/dive.....Coz runs $ 150-$200/dive...and that's not counting the increased airfares/baggage fees that have happened since my last trip 02/06.)

...and don't even get me started on the quality of the diving.....I've done 3 'pre' and 1 'post' 2005 Cozumel hurricanes dive trips......and after my last Coz trip in 02/06 I was horrified to see the port-2005 underwater devastation ! I received a LOT of 'hate' postings on this board when I made some very 'un-politically-correct' observations about my assessment of Cozumel 'post-hurricanes'...but I stand behind my statements to this day........Cozumel was NUKED,'s undeniable ! It was pretty much the suckiest dive trip I ever did...a complete waste of money...but at least I know the score down there...saw it with my own two eyes. It pains me to say this, as my 3 pre-hurricane Coz trips were fun....the diving was good......and I even did my very first ocean dives in Cozumel with 'Dive with Martin' I will always have those fond memories...but after my 4th trip, well, let's just say things won't recover on the reefs for a VERY long time!
After some thought I am leaning strongly towards letting them keep my money and just do it in the spring. I imagine it has to be tough to empty the bank account to repay all of the currently scheduled trips. I budgeted for it already... so it just means a "free" dive trip for me come spring. And according to friends in the know this is all a blessing in disguise as the hammerhead shark spawning is supposed to be in the springtime when I would be rescheduling for. I'll be sure to post a full report on my return...whenever that is...

...I commend your spirit, but be advised you've got maybe a 10% chance of a spring trip making it, the weather will usually be too crappy. That being said, I finally lucked out and caught a successful 04/07 trips and saw some schooling hammerheads...but this was after a number of unsuccessful 'spring' attempts over prior years...just a word of caution to keep it real.
I believe that the Fling and the Spree are owned by the same company, but I could be wrong. These long voyages are being threatened not by callous owners, but by out of sight Diesel prices. Pit these increasing prices against a shrinking economy, and they have to make some TOUGH choices. It might be as drastic as moving one boat or risk losing both of them.

As for S2R, DEMA will see some great announcements about ScubaBoard's relationship with this great organization.

...actually, SPREE has been planning the move to the Dry Tortugas for YEARS ! They actually spent the summers of 2007 and 2008 there....this move was planned WAY before the U.S. economy 'went south' last fall...recent fuel prices have contributed to the urgency of the move.....but fuel was also MUCH cheaper back when SPREE had already made the strategic decision to 'move'.

...whatever is 'wrong' with the economics of running a dive boat in FG...there's more to it than the general U.S. economy/fuel prices which only appeared on the radar a year ago....remember that until fairly recently there were 3 FG liveaboards (Sea Searcher / FLING / SPREE)...the drop down to only 1 boat happened WELL BEFORE the general economy/fuel prices became newsworthy.

...I still don't have a satisfactory explanatioon for what's really going on here.
The Spree and Fling have done everything boat owners could possibly do to get the business they need to survive in the gulf. The decision to move to the Tortugas was not made lightly, it was well thought out, lots of people were asked what they thought, and in some ways still a risk. The boats in the gulf depend on the dive shops to promote their product to the scuba divers. Between dive shops going under, scuba divers cutting back on their travel and spending, a change had to be made. I still believe the dive shops stopped promoting the boats and just sat back and waited for the boats to do all the advertising so the shop could just sit back and rake in the commissions. That is why i got so mad about the comment on the Spree "bailing on the local dive community" . If anything the dive community bailed on them. Boats were running half full, people were waiting until the last minute to book, dive shops were not being creative enough to offer instruction ( specialties) during the lesser liked times to be in the gulf, the shops were not promoting as much as they used to. Everyone started to expect more for less. The Spree spent a pretty penny to refit the boat so they could have less divers on the boat, include Nitrox, upgraded the kitchen, the menu was improved, they did everything they possibly could to make it better for the diver and the experience.

...I agree with you 100% Debra. I've really enjoyed all the improvements on SPREE, and regret that the local divers cut back on their business support of is a well known fact that the average age of divers is increasing in the U.S., as well as becoming an ever more expensive sport such that over time it's becoming ever more 'elitist' (i.e....a rich person's sport, very expensive gear and air travel intensive)...and that the local dive community will come to regret SPREE's departure, as we'll have to buy airfare to do any ocean diving at all ! (airfare can easily double a dive trip's price!)
Will someone explain to me why so many expect a private business to become a charitable organization and fault it for making a business decision which will aid in the number one goal of any private business which is to make money?

The Fling isn't going anywhere. It is still scheduled to continue running FG trips next year.

.....I used to think that SPREE wasn't going anywhere either.....we'll see.
.....also remember, don't waste your time bringing any HP tanks on FLING, they can't do HP fills....hope you're going to be happy with 3000 psi fills max. ...and as an additional 'bonus'....FLING charges double for 100 cu. ft. tank or larger NITROX fills, SPREE does, NITROX is an extra charge on FLING....together, these 'fees' will run a FLING trip to be MORE expensive than a comparable SPREE trip......also, FLING has added a fuel surcharge, SPREE did, FLING is 33% more crowded (33 versus 24 divers max)...and, of course, the thing I hated most about FLING is having all those dang wetsuits slapping me in the face, hanging over my gear station while gearing up...arrggh !!! doesn't appear you're a math major......on a number of dives/length of dives basis, FG blows Cozumel away....I've done 4 Coz trips, and on a per dive/total cost basis, Coz is 2 to 3 times as expensive...and compares even more poorly on a total bottom-time basis, as on SPREE I can bring my HP 120 or HP 130, versus the typical AL 80 in Coz. (all costs included, my 08/08 4-day SPREE trip ran me about $ 75/dive.....Coz runs $ 150-$200/dive...and that's not counting the increased airfares/baggage fees that have happened since my last trip 02/06.)

...and don't even get me started on the quality of the diving.....I've done 3 'pre' and 1 'post' 2005 Cozumel hurricanes dive trips......and after my last Coz trip in 02/06 I was horrified to see the port-2005 underwater devastation ! I received a LOT of 'hate' postings on this board when I made some very 'un-politically-correct' observations about my assessment of Cozumel 'post-hurricanes'...but I stand behind my statements to this day........Cozumel was NUKED,'s undeniable ! It was pretty much the suckiest dive trip I ever did...a complete waste of money...but at least I know the score down there...saw it with my own two eyes. It pains me to say this, as my 3 pre-hurricane Coz trips were fun....the diving was good......and I even did my very first ocean dives in Cozumel with 'Dive with Martin' I will always have those fond memories...but after my 4th trip, well, let's just say things won't recover on the reefs for a VERY long time!

Next time try atypical Aldora divers----they use ONLY hp 120 steels.....Also, I've been to CZM 6 times(all with Aldora) since Nov '07---yet to detect any fallout post nuking.......IMO, you need to go with a better dive operation there in the future......

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