Religion and scuba

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A few sentences taken from the christians in the last two pages:

"They - the religious people - remember you for the selfless acts that always seem to acompany you through your life. Those without religion are generally void of such behaviors."

"It's impossible with current technology for us to see the milky way... Yet everybody believes they know what it looks like..."

These are stupid non-sense statements, guys :)

Almost as stupid as to accept that light and darkess on earth was created before the sun, the moon and the stars :).
What about the theory of Darwin that is confirmed everyday by DNA analysis :).

---------- Post added July 17th, 2015 at 04:06 PM ----------

It never fails to amaze me that those opposed to personal faith of those who believe always take on such overt actions to concvince believers that they are miss guided. fsith in god to them is no different than faith in a licky penny of a rabbbits foot. YET there is no massive movement to discredit those who believe in rabbits feet. Why is that?

Well, the rabbit foot believers do no harm to others. They do not impose "their rules" on others: inquisition, abortion, gays, divorce, birth control, massacres, stoning, kasher/hallall................. to name a few.

FYI, I am prepared to accept the idea/existence of a god, but religion: NO WAY :dork2:
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It's impossible with current technology for us to see the milky way... Yet everybody believes they know what it looks like... Some rendered images... Have you personally seen the evidence of how scientist determined this is what the milky way looks like... I doubt it...
Some people have. That's the whole point. Something is verifiable, repeatable, falsifiable. You don't have to do it yourself, but you know you could and other people actually did. One person makes a claim. You certainly don't have to believe them, I know I probably wouldn't.

Is the claim verifiable? Here's where the scientific community kicks in: people actually do verify it. In fact they try to prove it wrong! Sometimes they succeed, other times the claim holds up. Now it's been tested and it seems to be true. Now you have a whole bunch of people making the same claim, all of whom have tested it personally and who know what they're doing. At this point, it becomes reasonable to believe the claim. Science works, planes fly, spaceships can go to Pluto and take pictures. It is reasonable to trust the process because it's been shown to work and quite remarkably so.

But you take their word for it because we all know science is never wrong... We've had to re-write science everytime we get more advanced, heck Pluto was thought to be a planet for how many years... All of a sudden we only have 8 planets... Because science said so right and you stand by science everytime even though it's been wrong so many times...
You see, there's this thing called "learning." New evidence comes to light, you learn something new, old ideas get refined or perhaps are even shown to be wrong, new ideas are created. Science text books have to be updated and rewritten as humanity learns new things. When has you bible ever been updated? When has new information been added? When was information that has been shown to clearly be wrong removed? Science isn't infallible and it certainly doesn't claim to be. Religion on the other hand does claim to know the absolute truth and demands that you just believe it. Of course they all claim to know different truth, but that doesn't seem to be a deterrent to the faithful.

Science is limited based on our own advancement in technology... The more advanced we become the more we know... It amazes me to think that any true scientist can't fathom the concept of a supreme being... Given the things we have discovered in the last millinium
Oh, they can certainly fathom it. All they need is some evidence. Just a bit, a tiny bit. One shred. But there isn't any. Nada, zip, zilch. In fact, all the evidence we have clearly points to all the amazing "truths" that have been "revealed" by the almighty sky-daddy being plain dead wrong. And I mean not even in the same ballpark!

Unless of course you presuppose the truth of your belief and then use it to find, or should I say reinterpret or perhaps twist, "evidence" to fit your already established ideas. A lot of people do this of course, but this is not how you learn anything about the universe. This is how things were done in the Dark Ages. And they were called that for a reason.

... try explaining that to a gay person ...
Or to transgenders.

---------- Post added July 17th, 2015 at 11:36 AM ----------

A quick summary of every theism vs atheism debate ever

and the millions, or billions of people that say there is a God, and they have proven and tested that he exists...

if a group of scientists try to show me empirical evidence that dark matter exists (just an example), i probably wouldn't even be able to understand it... but you know... they seem to know what they are doing so i'll leave that up to them...

however you have people saying they know God exists, they have accepted their proof and evidence... you can't understand it, you think you are disproving it but every argument you made can be countered (as is the case with scientists)... but of course we are wrong and we are clowns and we are stupid...

science is about tests and observations... you theorize something, develop tests to prove it's true and observe the results.

Well we don't have to develop tests to prove God, the tests are already their... you just have to do them and observe the results... i along with the millions or billions have already done this, observed the results and are satisfied with them :)
and the millions, or billions of people that say there is a God, and they have proven and tested that he exists...

if a group of scientists try to show me empirical evidence that dark matter exists (just an example), i probably wouldn't even be able to understand it... but you know... they seem to know what they are doing so i'll leave that up to them...

however you have people saying they know God exists, they have accepted their proof and evidence... you can't understand it, you think you are disproving it but every argument you made can be countered (as is the case with scientists)... but of course we are wrong and we are clowns and we are stupid...

science is about tests and observations... you theorize something, develop tests to prove it's true and observe the results.

Well we don't have to develop tests to prove God, the tests are already their... you just have to do them and observe the results... i along with the millions or billions have already done this, observed the results and are satisfied with them :)
You couldn't be more wrong about that. Atheists are generally quite aware of these so-called proofs or evidence that you mention. (Well, you don't actually mention any. But I'm a good sport and will play along.) They just recognize them as bogus or at least wildly insufficient. Prayer doesn't work. Miracles don't happen. "Personal experiences" are irrelevant. Holy books contain mostly garbage. Furthermore, they recognize that these so-called proofs don't unequivocally point to the existence of your god. Even if one were to accept these so-called proofs as actual evidence, they could just as well "prove" the existence of Vishnu, Zeus, Odin or the FSM (r'amen). You can even pray to a fridge and it will answer your prayers just as much as your god does! This is what skepticism and critical thinking is all about. But faith preempts it and keeps you from recognizing this.
Good... and that's when you believe what you want to believe (or not believe) i'll believe what i want to believe... and we both lead our normal lives...

In the end I promise I wont say i told you so... I won't call you a clown or think any less of you. I have friends who are atheists... i don't think any less of them for not believing in a God... they don't try to ridicule my understanding i don't try to ridicule theirs... debates and conversations are all well and fine but for some reason alot of atheists are ALWAYS trying to ridicule religion... unnecessary

and exactly... i never mentioned any evidence... because based on your posts... you would NEVER understand, even if i showed it to you in person... your mind is just to closed to comprehend it... I know better.. people are not convinced to believe... they choose to... and you are choosing not to believe... that's your choice and i respect your right to it... please respect mine... thank you

---------- Post added July 17th, 2015 at 12:13 PM ----------

you continue making ridiculous claims because YOU have not seen proof... pray to a fridge and it will answer my prayers just as well as my God does... i mean seriously.. for all the science you spout you think it's cool to just say something like that... knowing nothing of me, my God and how my prayers are answered?
Good... and that's when you believe what you want to believe (or not believe) i'll believe what i want to believe... and we both lead our normal lives...

In the end I promise I wont say i told you so... I won't call you a clown or think any less of you. I have friends who are atheists... i don't think any less of them for not believing in a God... they don't try to ridicule my understanding i don't try to ridicule theirs... debates and conversations are all well and fine but for some reason alot of atheists are ALWAYS trying to ridicule religion... unnecessary

and exactly... i never mentioned any evidence... because based on your posts... you would NEVER understand, even if i showed it to you in person... your mind is just to closed to comprehend it... I know better.. people are not convinced to believe... they choose to... and you are choosing not to believe... that's your choice and i respect your right to it... please respect mine... thank you

---------- Post added July 17th, 2015 at 12:13 PM ----------

you continue making ridiculous claims because YOU have not seen proof... pray to a fridge and it will answer my prayers just as well as my God does... i mean seriously.. for all the science you spout you think it's cool to just say something like that... knowing nothing of me, my God and how my prayers are answered?
Oh I see. You must be special when your god answers your prayers but not those of other people. Like those of millions of starving children worldwide. You must be a favourite. My bad.
Oh I see. You must be special when your god answers your prayers but not those of other people. Like those of millions of starving children worldwide. You must be a favourite. My bad.

So arrogant... Because you KNOW that they are praying and what they are praying for. And you KNOW who they are praying too right?

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Every once in awhile you have some respectable points but when it's not going your way you revert to idioticy... I'm good

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

---------- Post added July 17th, 2015 at 12:40 PM ----------

there are some religious people that believe science is the devil... and there are some scientists that believe religion is hoccum... i say that both of those extremes are closed minded and devoid of critical thinking and exploring possibilities...

when you understand and see correlations and complimentary facts between both "religion" and science then i say to you, you have a broader understanding and are in fact critically thinking and seeking to gain more knowledge and an understanding of our existence
there are some religious people that believe science is the devil... and there are some scientists that believe religion is hoccum... i say that both of those extremes are closed minded and devoid of critical thinking and exploring possibilities...
Very true. And if you had been listening, you would understand that scientists in general and also most atheists are very open to and in fact embrace new evidence. Even, and in some cases especially so, if that evidence pointed to the existence of anything supernatural.

when you understand and see correlations and complimentary facts between both "religion" and science then i say to you, you have a broader understanding and are in fact critically thinking and seeking to gain more knowledge and an understanding of our existence
The problem is that there are no such correlations. Scientists and atheists don't just dismiss religion because they think it's bunk or don't like it or whatever. No, the various claims made by the various religions have been studied. Extensively, over and over again. After all, there's nothing that a religious person would like more than to have some solid evidence that what they've always believed in is actually true! But all these attempts have failed. That's why we dismiss religion as bunk. The claims it makes just don't hold up.

Science is the quest for truth. Religion claims to already have the truth. If religion did indeed have any truth, science would embrace it. But there isn't any.

And since we're on the subject, and because I like these kinds of videos. I don't expect you to watch it since it might contradict your established beliefs and you can't possibly have that. But perhaps someone else finds it enjoyable.


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