Dear dfx,
If religion is a prerequisite that is required for anything good or bad to be done, then I don't see your point. I can't think of a single atrocity or social benefit that could be done or not done because of religion. Can I blow up a building or have a hanging next to a burning cross without religion? Sure! Can I have the world's largest amount of orphanages and shelters for disenfranchised people without religion? Sure. Or, I can do either because I don't like the price of chicken soup in a can Delhi. If you think that religion is a requirement for atrocity then study Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler and every other communist/fascist/anti religion totalitarian that has committed atrocities. Heck, to quote another theme in this thread there is a VERY good argument to be made that even the Crusades were not truly about religion. War is never about religion, it is about power, religion, like economics, is just a tool to help nasty people achieve their goals.
Speaking of Delhi, there is a Sikh Gurdwara there that I visit every year. They feed 7,000 people lunch every single day from religious donations of money and labor (just fyi).
Again, you and I don't disagree entirely about religion and atrocity (perhaps semantics). There is no doubt that religion played an important role in the world's greatest crimes. I'm only asking that you use your own same logic and give a little respect to religion and social welfare.
If you were to open a phone book in a large US city and look at women's shelters, orphanages, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, counseling centers, primary, secondary and university education centers etc, you would likely see 30-50% of them are religious based. If you were to go to the second and third world you would likely see that percentage doubled at the very least, if not approaching 100%.
Those people should not be associated with the judgmental, fundamentalist, jack-snap that you are making your argument against (who rightly deserves your derision). The fact is that religious people and institutions do huge amounts of good daily, and occasionally some idiot makes it seem that is not so.
If you can't see that, well...
As for atrocities vs goodness done, first off I don't think it is a scale worth mentioning, because despite any effort the world lacks goodness and exceeds at everything else, but let me say this... In my layman's opinion (I'm not an expert but I do have advanced degrees in religion and philosophy, as well as having worked for NGOs, including churches, USAID, the Red Cross, and United Way, placing millions of dollars into programs)... If it weren't for religion around the world taking care of social welfare in my best guess if all of it stopped tomorrow there would be between 1-300 million people dead in a month as a direct result. Just looking at the amount of Hindu temples in India that feed homeless and disenfranchised people...the numbers would be staggering.
Again, I'm not arguing bad crap that has happened in the name of religion, it's a ton, my point is that it isn't all bad, and in fact there is roughly a metric butt ton of good stuff going on in the name of religion at any point in time, and it deserves a little respect. Most certainly from wealthy people living in the first world that have potable water at their instant disposal. It's very easy for us to sit here and criticize idiots that say American soldiers are being killed because they affronted "God." It's a whole another thing to pick a dying person off the street in Calcutta and take him to Mother Theresa's orphanage where a simple cup of soup and two days of rest will make him well. I despise that idiot, along with you, that says that about soldiers, but in our vehemence let's not forget the people that use religion for good.