DIR configured rig is fine for cave, and with tweeking, fine for other dive profiles as well. My point to the
OP was that just asking how a doubles rig is set-up is but half the info that he needs, and I want to know why he wants to use them.
You seem more level-headed than many divers. And I too started to learn to dive doubles by myself,
in 1975. Back then we used independent 72's (j-valve) with one reg on each - but we didn't try to do anything with them except get longer bottom time, and <60' at that.
Cave, deep, wreck, sure, but why use them otherwise? One can get fairly longer bottom time with an AL 80 with nitrox than in an AL80 with air, right?. And if he doesn't have a handle on his buoyancy? Sheesh...
I'd like to see him take a Nitrox course and see how he deals with the increased complexity. And, I recommend that any future doubles-user-wannabe' to do the same, regardless of how experienced he is with an air-filled AL80.
Sorry that you can't use
SIS. There's a good group of techies in
Rockwall at
Blue Sea Adventures, contact
Paul Gilbert,
http://www.underwateripod.com/instructors.html. They're really good, and it never hurts to dive with others who have put in the time and have gained the knowledge, as you have.
Here is a current thread with differing general views on rig configuration: