Regs to AVOID? (focus on more basic models)

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Columbus, Ohio
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25 - 49

I won't bore anyone with another "which reg should I buy" thread. I'm assuming that most regs out there are pretty competent, even the less expensive ones I am considering as replacements for my two Dacor units.

So instead I will ask the audience for advice on regulators that I SHOULDN'T want to consider, for whatever reason. Upmarket, deluxe regs with hefty pricetags are out by default; I'm interested in the basic and low-intermediate ones without a lot of doodads or dollars. My only special consideration is that because I'm stuck with quarry diving most of the time I'd like a reg that can handle cool to cold water easily. That said, what regs in your experience are just $#!t?

This should be a fun discussion. If there are any takers. hehe


Billy S.
I'd stay away from Dacor regs given the uncertain nature of their future parts and service support.

Avoid any reg that you cannot get serviced locally. There are some super cheap off brand on-line regs availabel but getting them serviced can be difficult.

The Scubapro Mk 2 Plus with an R190 or R390 second stage is a decent entry level reg that handles cold water very well.
Exactly my reason for wanting to move away from Dacor.

My local LDS is a dealer for Dacor of course, but now also does Cressi-Sub, Genesis, possibly Mares, and at least at one time offered Sherwood. My impression is that they're trying to move away from Dacor as well because of the nightmarish parts situation.

Billy S.
I love my metal viper but, getting parts for it has been a nightmare. It took weeks to ship a part and then they shipped the wrong one. Shipping charges were over the top.

With the hundred dollar coupon Aqua Lung has it made purchasing a Legend very easy and it is a very easy breathing reg.
The shop where I do my tech thing is still a Dacor Dealer but the old sales rep jumped ship months ago and we have not seen one since.

Backorders are a nightmare and we don't plan on actually seeing anything shipped for months and then in the rare cases when it does arrive, it is a pleasant surprise as we are all thinking more realistically that it would never arrive. Sad end to what used to be a great company (10-20 years ago)
Seeing as you requested what to stay away from at the lowend of the spectrum,I would nominate the Sherwood Brut. that is of course ifyou are doing your diving always in less than 30 feetof water. If you dive once deeper than that per year, it is worth the upgrade to the magnum, even the blizzard ifyou wantsomething for coldwater.
Go with Quality and you will always get service. I just purchased the Scuba Pro 650 and I loved my D 400 for 300 dives. Can't wait to dive this week end in Panama City...............Jack
Avoid Dacor most of their regs that I have used have been wet breathers. An exception was the viper metal, but the jaw fatigue it caused was a real negative. My LDS quit selling Dacor after he could not get parts anymore. I would also avoid the TUSA platina (decent reg but the vibration on the exhale is extreme). For cold water you cannot beat an apeks atx50.
Last year I posed the same question to two different dive instructors who have a lot of experience and not a lot of financial bias towards a particular reg. They both independently stated ( asked them separately at different times and places) that the one brand to avoid was Dacor!. Lots of extra parts, trouble getting parts, uncertain future...there are so many other good regs out there so good luck!


Don´t understand your problems with spare parts to Dacor. I have myself Viper Metal and are very happy with it, and here in Denmark there are no trouble to get spare parts to it.

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