I have been rather in agreement with you, but I do think there is one slight wedge of value in this issue.This seems like one of those e-mail conversations at work that start out rather innocently but just drift off without ever really making a key point or advancing the ball.
Five phrases come to mind:
1) Mission-oriented diving with primary, secondary and tertiary objectives
2) Right training
3) Right equipment
4) Right planning
5) Risk assessment
This toe-dipping, “light deco”, flirtatious approach to decompression seems like it amounts to a casual conversation starter on the boat for the SI (as opposed to a deliberate method to explore).
If I were Murphy, this is the dive I’d love to be on.
Call me a curmudgeon or snobbish but “no thanks”.
If you routinely run an algorithm on your computer that gives you much less NDL than other algorithms, then perhaps there is room for a "few minutes of deco" because you are probably still within the NDL limits of some other computer. So it looks like deco, but it might not be. In fact, it is just operating in that gray zone between "absolutely safe" and "absolutely requires deco nonmatter what computer you are using."
@scubadada posted this:
So if I set my computer on 35/75, have an NDL of 17 minutes, but stay at depth an additional 10 minutes......am I REALLY in deco? Not by DSAT standards. So I can see someone putting their deco toe in the water using this methodology. At least they get to see what their computer looks like when it says they are in deco and they can practice holding stops. But -- at least by DSAT standards -- they don 't have a real deco obligation, so their "soft ceiling" is just virtual.
In fact, some Deco Procedures instructors teach this way; you carry two computers, one set on Nitrox that is your "real" computer because you are using Nitrox, and one set on air. You dive watching the air computer. It goes into deco, you incur 5-10 minutes of deco (whatever you have worked out in advance with planners so on air you are in deco but you are still within NDL on Nitrox, which is what you are using for the dive. you do the dive, you get to see your computer go injto deco, you get to follow all the procedures for ascending, but you were never really in deco.
But this, of course, is not what the OP means. He wants you to incur an in-water ceiling without the tools, knowledge, or training to do that. Why would he do that?