On using a small tank to increase bottom time and provide redundancy

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Regs shouldn't be bubbling through a dive since they are either in your mouth or under your chin.
except they do sometimes
and when they are charged but off that isnt a panacea either
It's a scary thought when you need a pony only to find out it's empty. I prefer watching my spg.
Some divers, including me who carry a pony monitor it's contents. Or dive with it valve closed but mount it so the valve is easily accessible.
Having not wanted to delve to deep into the redundancy of this topic yet still having my 2 cents…

Pick one extending bottom time or safety based redundancy. If the former use it first if the latter just end your dive when you hit your personal reserve.
Kinda like saying nitrox can extend your bottom time or reduce your nitrogen level but not both. In fact, it can do both.
@happy-diver if you’re going to criticize my plan, would you please explain why what I’m doing is a bad idea? Cause the whole point of this thread was get an actual, fact based reason what I have in mind is a bad idea. “I think you’re too dumb to watch an spg” is not a valid reason, since even if that were true, it’d be equally true no matter what gear I carried.

If you have an actual, substantive reason why what I’m doing is a bad idea, I’d love to hear it. If not, I’m really not sure what you think you’re accomplishing being snarky on the internet, but I hope it works out for you
@Tom_Ivan I'm sensing you two having something of a history.
Some divers, including me who carry a pony monitor it's contents. Or dive with it valve closed but mount it so the valve is easily accessible.

As a solo diver, I prefer to always be able to monitor and confirm my emergency back-up gas. Just a 2in SPG tethered to my pony 2nd. To each his own....but that's what works for me!

@NW Dive Dawg I think I'd seen you post this picture before on another thread, or else someone had posted something like it. I'd been debating between this configuration or just attaching the SPG to a shoulder D-ring via boltsnap. I worry that the SPG being bound to the secondary hose will be clunky when in use. Is this the case?
Sometimes I wish we did not have TOS so we could speak freely.

To stay PG-13. OP, sorry, but this is the dumbest idea I've heard today. You introduce complexities by avoiding a simple solution. What other options have you considered?

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