Being new myself, with a whole 19 dives in, all in the cold quarry. I would have to say this is a cycle, we read about this all too often. I think it would be interesting to be able to track these incidents that involve newish type divers and see what trends would develop over time. Who trained them, what shop, what operator took them aboard, ages, states trained in etc.
The cycle starts at the shop, the owner/inst selling the class with the promise that once done with OW you will be able to dive the wrecks, vacation at the warm resorts and boat dive all day, all the fun you will have. Lets not forget the boasting of all the cool things you can do once cert. Wreck penetrations, running low on air and needing to share your buddies octo to get more bottom time. They do not tell you the truth, the things you cannot and should not do. So now you have your new shiny card, so you jump on the boat and go. Only to find out that you also suck at diving and all the things the shop told you are not true. But the boat op took you aboard, so there lies some blame. This is not every shop or inst out there, just my personal experience so far.
Having an inst I would NOT recommend to anyone, I can say, when we were done with OW I knew I was not ready for anything other than the quarry. Even through the dive shop and inst encouraged students to go do a trip in a nice warm place, I knew better. At least I have a few more sense than god gave a billygoat. I knew that I sucked, and being an anal, OCD type of person, I knew I needed more time and training before I jumped on any boat. So, I dove the quarry more after OW class, I went to the pool about once a month to pratice, I took AOW (not because it would make me advanced, but it would give me more time to pratice with another inst.) I took Nav, again a way to more pratice with an inst. I have also signed up for GUE Primer. Why, because I knew I SUCKED. I was honest with myself after class and knew I needed more training and time before I was ready for anything other than the pool and quarry. I now have a boat dive scheduled for the end of May, at which point I should have in 30 dives. When I called to book the dive I was very honest with my/our experience, I also hired a DM for our first dive off a boat. Not to babysit us, but to guide us around and show us the ropes for the boat.
Anyway, after my/our not so good OW class, I can honestly say that even though we did not have the greatest of time or inst. I still learned a lot. Such, as do not follow your inst blindly. Do not trust just anyone, I'm a hardhead, don't believe everything I hear regarding diving, and I/we are tougher than we thought. I think each person out of OW needs to be honest with themselves and really look at the skill level they acheived during class before jumping in deeper. I think this is a cycle that starts at the shop, on to the diving ops and the student themselves. The person selling the class needs to be more upfront with what one will gain out of OW and be realistic. In the end the student should not be so gullible. Been there done that, but no t-shirt.