I'm going to be blunt here. I think avoiding vaccines is just a stupid way to get sick or die. I've had friends which had far reaching consequences monetarily & healthwise simply because they took the chance. A friend of a friend even died.
Why roll the dice? I previously got my Hepatitis A/B shots. I always make sure I'm up to date on Typhoid & I take Malarone to prevent Malaria. I also got tested to confirm whether I still had antibodies for all the routine vaccinations & good thing I did, cause I needed a measles booster. (Surprise! Sometimes, you do need boosters as adults.)
I also use chemical-based mosquito repellent because while I am extremely eco-friendly, dengue & other mosquito-based illnesses are no joke.
The only common travel vaccine I have so far not needed to take is for Japanese Encephalitis because the areas and/or the timing make it unnecessary. (Japanese Encephalitis isn't prevalent in Honduras.)
It makes no sense to me not to take the CDC recommended vaccines.
Is $100 (or $250 or even more) worth it if you get seriously ill for weeks or even months? If you lose your job cause you can't work? Or if you die?