Lizard Leg
If I understand you right then you need to seal the area for water. If that is the case a latex seal will give you the best sealing and comfort. We make a lot of customized product and I am pretty sure I could find a tube piece which will fit you.
Let me know if I can help!
latex seal? I'm intriqued. No hoses running from tank to middle of leg?
TSandM - no time to get any in for this weekend - trying to find a local medicl supply house that stocks today. Other option is spirit gum ;-)
It's weird. A few times I've been in the water for hours and no leak - other times 15 minutes and its sliding off. Average is about the 45 minute mark before I need to push everything back on and slide the sleeve back up. At this point everything is wet and I have to repeat this process every few minutes until I get back on boat.