Out of curiosity, can you make it viewable to non-members and simply restrict posting (e.g. the DIR Practitioner Forum)?
Seems to me that some stuff may be of value to everyone, and that by hiding it from the general population we're going to see a tangible degradation of the open forum.
OTOH, if everyone can read but only certain people can post, the quality of discussion (here) will hopefully/likely improve, and pertinent questions in the open forum could simply be directed here via hyperlink (which could accomplish your "Tech References" goal).
Just a thought.
I'm sure there is a way to make it viewable, but unable to post. I've had several requests for that and it's a consideration I'll keep in mind for the future. One of the reasons I asked for the private forum is so that we feel free to speak more freely and that this area is not searchable by Google.
The idea of valuable content has crossed my mind as well, but some of that could be handled by copying any really good threads into the general tech forum. If this forum starts to generate a lot of really good content, I can ask NetDoc about creating a "read only" usergroup that regular members can opt into and that should take care of it.
Once again, this is a decision I'd like to see shaped by the participants back here.