Mangroves are very usefull for marine ecosystems in many ways. Of the more know are: 1- Nursery habitat for young fish and invertebrates, so they can grow big and striong before going out into the open water (and get fished
), 2- They reduce erosion, which is never good (silts up the water; bad for reefs and many other organisms).
One of the main problems in areas under development is they cut down the mangroves for realestate. So there is a world effort to try and restore magroves back to areas that were cut, or to new areas. It should increase biodiversity and productivity of the local marine environments...

One of the main problems in areas under development is they cut down the mangroves for realestate. So there is a world effort to try and restore magroves back to areas that were cut, or to new areas. It should increase biodiversity and productivity of the local marine environments...

What's the idea behind the mangrove planting?
I don't know anything about mangroves - how will that affect the marine life, viz etc?