Best to have some local pocket money for small purchases. You can exchange money in the airport. I have a Schwab bank account and the fees are reimbursed. You'll get a horrible rate to get USD back from PHP, and it's more hassle than it's worth, IMO. What I do with leftover currency at the end of a trip is give it away to a local in the airport.I also want to ask about currency exchange and phones. I am hoping I can pay the majority by VISA card but travel without any local currency is always a bad idea. I know some countries have a fair exchange rate at the airport, and others only have absolute rip offs. Does anyone know about the Philippines? I am not changing large amounts of currency, so I don't need the absolute best rate. Am I able to get USD back at the end of my trip?
I have an S22 with Verizon. I am not sure how much I need my phone. I will have at least 1 other device that uses wifi if it is available. Verizon charges $10 per day outside the USA and their coverage in the Philippines is not great. Is it worth getting either a SIM card or entirely new phone? If so, is it best done at the airport, or PG, or an extra stop along the way?
I would not recommend getting a SIM card in the airport. There are a lot of scams. Get the eSim on line and activate it prior to leaving the U.S. so you can work out any issues with download and use. There are a lot of choices and what you get depends on your specific needs. You can watch some YouTube videos about the different eSims out there. Holafly and Airalo seem to be the most popular. Here's one video I watched recently,