PST E8's in Canada

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d33ps1x once bubbled...
Hmm...Maybe Dan will sell em for 700 Canuck a pair. I doubt it since the price today was close to $500 a piece. :(

Really? 500 bucks huh?.... Guess I better adjust my budget a bit then....

So its true? They really are in Ontario now?

I'm sure once those tanks are filled, with valves and manifold, should easily be over 100 lbs.

I think I might stick with the E7-120s. They'll still be heavy, but not quite as bad.
I dunno, that sounds pretty heavy. Not that the E7-120s will be that much lighter, but still, 12 pounds is 12 pounds.
Picked my tanks up this morning and did got 80min Bubble time in at Rockport on the (30min) Kingshorn... Good dive, vis poor, low current, temp 46F. Barely used a third of my supply... Sweet.

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