just because you see a boat diving a site doesn't mean it's safe or good (vis current ect) to dive, sometimes we have to think about our customers limitations. Not every diver is superdiver
I'm learning a lot about Hawaii here:
(1) The Back Wall is just a hoax used to attract advanced divers onto boats that are very unlikely to take you to the Back Wall. Is that so the hoax can be perpetuated?
(2) If they tell you that you won't dive the Back Wall today because of a snorkeler on your advanced dive trip, it could mean anything from (a) we have to think about our customers' limitations because not every diver is a super diver, to (b) the conditions don't support a dive at that site, and (c) it probably has nothing to do with the snorkeler on your boat.
I didn't realize that diving Hawaii was so complex. Please, tell me more....