it is wrong way! When you hold the mask not horisontally - you easy can damage silicone or rubber, than remove oil film from glass.My recipe is modified from Andy Davis
that is the most correct way, how to remove oil film from the mask glass. One remark: best lighter for this procedure - is most cheapest lighter. never use any lighters with burner! just most simplest lighter (e.g. Cricket Lighters | lighter collection Essentials )We made a video as well.
this is not a best offer, because in some case you will have something like soft backing soda, but other case you can get powder that can contain something like corund, and you could get scratched glass...Forget the toothpaste. Get some Comet or Ajax, the powder kind. Put some inside on the lens and use a few drops of water to form a paste and scrub until you feel as if your finger is going to fall off. Never had this method fail and have done it numerous times for folks who have tried everything.
in our country is most popular cleaning liquid: "Fairy"

It is one of the best for cleaning. Similar is Clean Less Live More | Mr Muscle
but all this reccomendation is useless, when you did not following major rule:
Never drink alcohol, less than 12 hours before the dive!
Otherwise you will have foggy mask, despite all cleaning and burning exercise...