Yes.... B.W.R.A.F.
Every diver should have that.. (or an equivalent acronym), as it's stressed in every element of entry-level training.
B - Buoyancy: Confirm function of BCD, inflate and deflate the BCD via LPI and orally to ensure it works. Confirm BCD holds air. Confirm redundant buoyancy, if elected. Confirm function/integrity of drysuit, if used.
W- Weights: Confirm correct weighting, accessibility and security of weight system. Ensure sufficient dumpable weight for positive buoyancy to be achieved.
R -Releases: Confirm access to all releases and security/function of all releases - a physical check, not just visual. Confirm buddy/team understand how to use releases to get you out of your gear. Check of releases also includes the security of the cylinder cam-band. Confirm releases/devices used to stow/route hoses and gauges are functional and all hoses/gauges are properly stowed in a streamlined, yet accessible manner.
A - Air: Confirm volume of gas is sufficient for the planned dive. Confirm functionality of the regulator/s that will deliver it (including AAS). Perform multiple test breaths from every regulator to be used/carried, whilst visually monitoring the SPG. Confirm immediate/primary cylinder is fully on/open. Confirm secondary/redundant/deco/stage cylinders are pressurized and turned off. Confirm with team/buddy any turn and ascent points identified in the dive plan (NDL, rule-of-thirds, minimum reserves, rock-bottom etc)
F - Final OK: Confirm buddy/team/self physical and psychological preparedness for the dive and that all concerned are content with dive parameters and conditions. Confirm functionality, location, existence and function of any specialized equipment needed for the dive (torches, reels, lift bags etc). Confirm dive computer settings and functionality (if used). Lastly, a head-to-toe visual inspection of the buddy/team to ensure nothing is amiss - I typically follow this with a descent/bubble/safety check/s at a shallow depth once the descent begins.
For more complex/technical dives, I also use a set acronym for dive planning:
Good – G – Gas management - Precision gas planning for all phases of the dive and gasses used, based on routine, resting and accelerated SAC rates.
Diver’s – D – Decompression - Calculation of decompression obligation for the dive, based on team consensus of dive parameters and agreed software for profile construction.
Main – M – Mission - Specific goals to be achieved by individual's and team during the dive. This includes allocation of specific responsibility for key tasks on the dive; such as laying guidelines or deploying DSMB.
Objective – O – Oxygen - Calculation of %CNS and OTUs for the dive, in addition to confirmation of gasses used with relative MODs, oxygen breaks etc
Is – I – Inert gas narcosis - Team agreement of tolerated narcosis levels (ENDs) and contingencies for unanticipated narcosis events.
To – T – Thermal exposure - Consideration of thermal requirements/exposure protection necessary for the dive profile attempted.
Live – L – Logistics - Team planning for all actions needed to get the team to the site, with correct equipment, to perform the actual dive, recover the dive team and return home safely. Who brings what equipment, who carries what equipment, emergency/medical/evacuation plans, transport to/from the site, food, hydration, warmth etc etc
There are specific check-lists, protocols and procedures for all of the above steps.
Whilst typically the preserve of technical diving, such in-depth dive planning/management can be simplified and applied for recreational divers.