SCUBA Checklist

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All the battery/photo/dive light gear can be kept together (I use one of those zippered yellow cases that you get with a strobe from Sealife) while batteries are being charged, photos uploaded, etc. There's no good reason for stuff to be scattered all over the place.

Checklists are an unnecessary extra to compensate for lack of organization.
Yeah I know. It's my bad habit. I use the sd card in the computer room, charge the GoPro and flashlight batteries in the house, and then don't put them back. I used to charge up the 18650 batteries and then put them in the dive back. Until I did night dives and after being in the bag for weeks they discharged. So I usually charge them up the night before a dive.

My SMB and lift bag is usually hanging on the clothesline in the yard to dry and the smaller stuff is in a shopping cart left to dry, and the BC is hanging in the shop to dry. I worry about wetsuits and gloves and hood and socks etc and mildew. We have a subtropical climate here with rain most evenings so humidity is a concern with anything packed up without air flow.

I could and should be more organized but a checklist is just so much easier than keeping account of all the scuba junk I own. LOL It's my own fault that I'm disorganized.

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