In his posts here, CO2 monitoring (and the X-CCR), and here, CO2 monitoring (and the X-CCR), Dr Simon Mitchell mentions the rEvo and tempstick monitoring for predicting scrubber breakthrough. His post gives me some bit of confidence that the rEvo rMS is reasonably reliable - WHEN it is actually giving you a prediction. rMS may not be reliable in terms of always giving you a prediction - like mine, which is currently broken. But, when it IS giving the appearance of functioning and giving a "remaining scrubber time", I feel pretty good about it not telling me the scrubber is still good when I'm actually about to experience breakthrough.
In other words, the manufacturer spec may be 4 hours, but if I've got 2 hours on the scrubber and the rMS is telling me I still have 4 hours of remaining scrubber time, I would feel pretty okay about planning another 2 hours of diving without changing the sorb. Without the rMS, if I had 2 hours one day and was contemplating 2 hours the next day, I would probably go ahead and change the sorb.
Right, that makes sense. It doesn't always work, but if it is working then it lets you get more time out of your sorb. And it doesn't really increase safety since it can't pick up channeling.