Pre-dive rituals?

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French cocktail: a liter of Orange Juice and a baby asprin.
My last trip to the quarry went like this.

Pack, check, and recheck that I have everything.
Drive 30 miles to meet buddies at LDS
Drive 60 more miles to quarry.
Turn around and drive 10 miles to ATM
Return to quarry
Pay admission and air fills
Unload stuff and assemble
Get in water and at this time find out I got an empty tank.
Get out of water and remove gear.
Find air dude and explain
Get second empty tank
Oops, I drove 90 miles for this???

Went ok after finding a full tank.
I usually sacrifice a :chicken: while burning incence and listing to old Beatles songs :wink:
HA! That truck is a trooper. And the roof makes really cool noises when you get going fast enough. Sounds like backfire. Almost gave me a heart attack first time I heard it. That's how he weeds out the really cool chicks from the one's who WON't go with him to hooters.

Q: Will she ride in the truck?
Q: Does she dive?

sbm's Pre-reqs for future girlfriends. Much love homewrecker.
Pretty much :) If they're too stuck up for the Bronco of Doom, they don't deserve a prize as grandeur as myself. If they don't dive, they probably won't ever see me :D

Homewrecker? I'll never live it down!
Pretty much :) If they're too stuck up for the Bronco of Doom, they don't deserve a prize as grandeur as myself. If they don't dive, they probably won't ever see me :D

Homewrecker? I'll never live it down!

I got to have a talk with dat boy.
the bronco of doom is cool , but i think the all terrain sport utility van is pretty nice also ...........
I usually drink 16 ounces of Gatorade or eat a banana and drink a lot of water.

Keeps the leg cramps at bay.

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