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The Penis Study

[FONT=&quot]The American Government funded a study to see why the head of a man's penis was larger than the shaft. After 1 year and $180,000, they concluded that the reason that the head was larger than the shaft was to give the man more pleasure during sex.

It's because we have large brains[/FONT]
This is kind of confirming the theory about which part of the body men are using for THINKING!!!
Cos technically speaking, above mentioned head is NOT the one where the brain is usually located!!!
Or do I get something wrong here!???
This is kind of confirming the theory about which part of the body men are using for THINKING!!!
Cos technically speaking, above mentioned head is NOT the one where the brain is usually located!!!
Or do I get something wrong here!???
:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :D
man thats rough i feel sorry for that poor defensless person
This is kind of confirming the theory about which part of the body men are using for THINKING!!!
Cos technically speaking, above mentioned head is NOT the one where the brain is usually located!!!
Or do I get something wrong here!???

I was confirming what every hot girl thinks.
Less desirable ones see how brilliant we really are.
Which one are you?
I was confirming what every hot girl thinks.
Less desirable ones see how brilliant we really are.
Which one are you?

Meee??? As you can see, I am a humble nun and I have no idea what you are talking about.
However, I am deeply worried about your soul, my son!
Do you say your prayers every evening before going to bed? Honestly, I doubt it.....
Are you confessing every Sunday? Honestly, I think you need it.....
May Neptune bless you, my dear.
A mother took her six-year old daughter to the ballet. This was the first time the little girl had ever seen a ballet and she watched wide-eyed as the ballerinas pranced around the stage on their toes. When the ballet was over, the mother asked her daughter if she had liked it.
"Yes, Mommy, I did" the little girl replied, "But wouldn't it be easier if they just hired taller dancers?"
A young priest is walking through town running some errands when he passes a hooker. She says to him, "Father, I'll give you a blow job for twenty bucks."

Nervously, the young priest hurries away back to the church and finds the mother superior. He asks her, "What's a blow job?"

To which the nun replies, "Twenty bucks. Same as in town."

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