Post Count = Dive Count

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Gee, what can I say ... I guess I'd better buck up and start diving more. I've only done about 275 dives so far this year, and I've got way more posts than that ... :eyebrow:

Time to shut up and dive, I guess ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I'm a newby with <15 dives and would won't give anyone advice. I will just say what worked for me in a situation. Wish I could dive every day. Gotta make a living, work 3hrs away from home, would like to see the wife, children and grandchild sometimes. I work a weird schedule and only get 2 weekends off a month. There is not a lot of people who are off on Tues., Wed., or Thurs. when I am off. Had to take vacation, and drive 2 hours to make my last 3 dives. OOPS, better update my dive count.
Hey Albion,

Where can I get one of those hoods the girl has on in your profile pic? Love it!

Japan, why is it all the girls want the girly cat hood and say how good it is but no one wants my devil hood :06:

Its the bow isnt it!!!!!!! why didnt i get a bow on mine
Japan, why is it all the girls want the girly cat hood and say how good it is but no one wants my devil hood :06:

Japan! Well that's too bad. Maybe some of the guys will speak up and ask about your devil hood.

On the occassion of my 5,000th post, I would like to say something really profound:

Post Counts are irrelevent! Only means that I like to greeter new Intros - and talk a lot. :D

On the occassion of my 5,000th post, I would like to say something really profound:

Post Counts are irrelevent! Only means that I like to greeter new Intros - and talk a lot. :D

Congratulations Don! May we all be able to obtain post number 5,000. Whether we have something worth saying or not. You are the greeter of all greeters....the mack daddy of all greeters. :clapping:

It was inevitable:
there are armchair quaterback
armchair generals,
why not armchair divers.

heck common they have seen every eposide of sea hunt, on nick at night, how hard can it be?

The you got the expert by association. My bosses daughter is that way. She has been diving for less then 2 weeks and already knows it all becuase dad owns a dive shop...Pa-Lee-ZZZZZ.

In the magazine Maxim, during it's first year had a segment called Liar-Liar. it was a quick guide how to impersonate some profession. Fighter pilot, high stakes gambler, Navy Seal..... It gave a quick guide to the lingo, some things to avoid and a few all purpose annecdotes...the funny thing about it is that people actually do this stuff. why not here. you get a few pointers, read few I can talk the talk. Unfortuately on the board, we can ask for proof....c-card and log book please, oh don't have one? talk to the hand. Guess we just have to see if tech support can put in a BS filter. maybe make it opt in.
Don, Hang in there buddy. When I made my intro post, I was just glad you responded. Made me feel welcome. Thanks. Also learned from you about the importance of filling out the profile. Thanks again.
In the end, the number of dives a person has is only a very imperfect indication of their diving prowess. Right after my OW cert, I did a dive and ended up being assigned a buddy who bragged all the way to the dive site about how many dives he had (way over 100 wreck dives alone). This guy was churning up the bottom so badly that even a rank newbie was able to discern that his dive skills were abominable.

When I did my AOW, the instructor told me that my dive skills were better than alot of divers he'd seen with over 200 dives. I know I still have alot to learn--that's one reason I'm here--so that comment was probably more a reflection on how bad an experienced diver can be than on how good a diver I am. But at least I have good neutral buoyancy, good air consumption, can stay off the bottom, don't do a zigzag profile, and don't scare the bejeebers out of the dive instructor with my antics.

BTW, I know that what I've learned on SB has helped me become a better diver.

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