In the end, the number of dives a person has is only a very imperfect indication of their diving prowess. Right after my OW cert, I did a dive and ended up being assigned a buddy who bragged all the way to the dive site about how many dives he had (way over 100 wreck dives alone). This guy was churning up the bottom so badly that even a rank newbie was able to discern that his dive skills were abominable.
When I did my AOW, the instructor told me that my dive skills were better than alot of divers he'd seen with over 200 dives. I know I still have alot to learn--that's one reason I'm here--so that comment was probably more a reflection on how bad an experienced diver can be than on how good a diver I am. But at least I have good neutral buoyancy, good air consumption, can stay off the bottom, don't do a zigzag profile, and don't scare the bejeebers out of the dive instructor with my antics.
BTW, I know that what I've learned on SB has helped me become a better diver.