Post Count = Dive Count

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If we were all experts with hundreds of dives this would be a pretty boring place...

I agree, this is a great place for newbies to learn about scuba related things before taking the plunge and buying all that expensive gear, I know because I was one of them not too long ago!
heck common they have seen every eposide of sea hunt, on nick at night, how hard can it be?
Sea Hunt is on Nick?? And I thought I read through this thread for nothing. When is it on? If you are going to post about TV shows, I expect you to watch more TV then you do post on SB. ;)
I post more than I dive (pathetic!) and read more than I post. Therefore I am a lurking/armchair/DIR-wannabe/stroke.
Not only that, but I don't even log my dives. Too lazy and too cheep to buy the computer interface. I lost my log book from the 70s & 80s, and when I started up again, I logged about 20 dives, then quit logging. But if anyone wants to see my computer, you'll see I have over 100 dives this year (nothing compared to NWGdiver and many others). However, since the profile asks for "logged" dives, I'll put 0.
I have noticed that some people have good info and some don't, and how they present themselves on SB - well, there doesn't seem to be a pattern. But hang around enough and you'll soon figure it out.
And some people I thought were morons turned out to be right, once I learned enough to figurer it out.
So, post a lot. Read a lot. Dive a lot. The only REAL way to know if someone's advice has value is to dive with them.
Hey Albion, Where'd you get that great devil hood?

uh dunno where you get the great haircut
Right so in the posters mind, no one with alot of dives can be right LOL.
Or maybe you should just come out and tell everyone that you dont like people with less dives than you giving you advice, even if the advice may be legit. My advice to you? (From someone with less dives than you) Swallow your ego.
In the end, the number of dives a person has is only a very imperfect indication of their diving prowess. Right after my OW cert, I did a dive and ended up being assigned a buddy who bragged all the way to the dive site about how many dives he had (way over 100 wreck dives alone). This guy was churning up the bottom so badly that even a rank newbie was able to discern that his dive skills were abominable.

When I did my AOW, the instructor told me that my dive skills were better than alot of divers he'd seen with over 200 dives. I know I still have alot to learn--that's one reason I'm here--so that comment was probably more a reflection on how bad an experienced diver can be than on how good a diver I am. But at least I have good neutral buoyancy, good air consumption, can stay off the bottom, don't do a zigzag profile, and don't scare the bejeebers out of the dive instructor with my antics.

BTW, I know that what I've learned on SB has helped me become a better diver.


Could not agree more, Ive dived with someone almost triple my dive count. I can honestly say I was a better diver than he was. This is just like putting age restrictions on certian items. I know plenty of 30 year olds who act like 19 year olds and 19 year olds who act like 30 year olds. It all comes down to maturity. In the diving case , your experience. Some people get in the water, and swim like pros. Some people who have been in the water for years, swim like they just got in the water.
I don't know that much about diving since I am really new. But in the work place I have over 25 years in Instrument and Electrical maintenance. Often, because I am experianced, I am asked to assist in the training of new/inexperianced hands. I don't remember a time that while assisting in the learning process I have not learned from those I was assisting.
I was being faceitious about the Sea Hunt thing. I own a TV but it is only hooked up to my DVD player and my VCR. Don't get any regular channels. But I had just finished reading an article about Lloyd Bridges death and his fame with sea hunt online before reading this post and decided to use that info, sorry if I got all you sea hunt fanatic frothing at the mouth for an episode fix.
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